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About AcesWild1818

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. there's a legal poker room that spreads only fixed limit games and the occasional sng but their time payments are really ridiculous for such low stakes. even if you run insanely good, you'll be lucky to break even. a.c. isn't a long drive and it's definitely your best bet, imo.
  2. I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Amir Vahedi who said, regarding NL tournaments,"in order to live, you have to be willing to die."
  3. I too have problems when I'm the chip leader early. I get way to loose and take too many chances. Which is fine and dandy if you're playing a cash game, but can be pretty dumb in tournaments. As I'm way more comfortable with a stack slightly above average, recently, when I've become chip leader early, I actually will tighten way up for a level or two and just focus harder on getting chips in any other tournament I'm playing. That's probably better advice for smaller 27 and 45 sng's though, not large MTT's.
  4. The villain was SB and he went all in on the flop. You had us out of order, I think.As far as pushing pre flop, I didn't think of it until after I played the hand, but I agree it's not a bad move and its something I probably should've thought of.
  5. Pokerstars Sunday 100K and we're getting near the neighborhood of the money. Blinds are 500-1000 and the level is about half over. Average stack is 16K and I'm the BB with about 9 thousand, holding QT. Villain is SB, also with about 9 thousand. I haven't been at the table real long, but by my estimation, he's playing a pretty good number of hands, although he's played them pretty well and usually gets his money in when he's ahead.UTG, a large stack who's been playing a lot of hands, calls. MP w/ average stack calls. SB calls and I check.Flop is Q-7-3, rainbow. Villain goes all in. This
  6. http://www.acpokerguide.com/new_dailytournaments.htm
  7. Hi, all. I don't really post on here ever, just read mostly, but I gotta say, this is exactly the type of advice of I've been looking for, for a very long time. As it turns out, some of it I was already applying, which was good to have reinforced. I've been doing very well at the $5 and $10 27 and 18 sng's, 3 or 4 wins out of the last 6 or 7 I've played, and I've won a couple with bigger fields, but I've been looking for just the kind of specific advice I've seen here. I will try to post some of my views as well if I could ever get away from the damn table, heh. Just wanted to say thanks
  8. I got the deposits in my checking account after about a week and a half, I think. Then it's supposed to take another 7 business days if you fund from that checking account. That should be next Tuesday. I only deposited the minimum $50 just in case something went wrong. It's withdrawing that I'm a little more concerned about, but we'll see how that goes.
  9. It took about 12 days for the deposits to show up on my bank account. It says on the site it's only supposed to take 9, but I didn't know that it takes another 7 days after that for the funds to become available for use. So i just said **** it, i'll save the money for AC.
  10. I'm inclined to agree about that one. I almost didn't put it on there. I couldn't believe there were actually typos in the book. But who knows maybe someone will want it anyway.
  11. I have a few poker books that I've gained all I can from and I'm looking to trade for Dan Harrington's first and possibly his second book too, if someone offers it. Not all of these are instructional as you'll see, but they're good reads nonetheless. Anyway, I'll trade you two books of your choice off this list for one of his, since generally these run for around $15 each and Harrington's books run for about $30 each. If you're interested, email me at andrewslater1 (a) comcast.net and we can discuss terms. One of a Kind - Nolan Dalla and Peter Alson (great Stuey Ungar biography)Poker Wisdo
  12. not tipping the dealers is some ignorant bullshit. if you're playing 1-2 and the pot's like 10 or 20, it can be forgiven, but anything over that and you should throw them a dollar or two. if the pots $200 or more, i'll give them a 5. well said.
  13. I'll do this from time to time also. It works better against people you play against regularly though.
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