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About trohsc

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    n/l hold'em
  1. Buy-ins, sorry. Working right now, was half paying attention. Either way he should get a job!
  2. Is this question for real? Sorry for being so harsh, but you are an idiot, go get a job!You are going to play a $50 nl game starting with 6 big blinds, lol.
  3. You should be playing at Grand Vic instead of Argosy, the bad beat jackpot is up to $170,000. Plus, there are no hot younger girls there to bluff you out of your money!
  4. Nice 10th post, idiot.You're thoughts really contribute to this forum.
  5. Not sure. For me, I'd probably try to get my seat through the satellites, but this structure doesn't give the skilled players a whole lot of edge. Cash games were run pretty well. I should have stuck to those instead of craps, but couldn't resist, lol!
  6. damn, I just read this post today, otherwise I would have been looking u up.See my results on under the topic on the WSOP Indiana Results post I made earlier. No play in this tourney what-so-ever.
  7. I've played at the Argosy a few times, but never in a tournament. The cash games are decent, but the poker room doesn't even compare to Caesers Indiana. I tried the 1/3 nl game, but the min/max buy-in was $100/$300 and at the table I was seated at, 8 out of the 9 other players had well over $500 in front of them. I played a few hands and switched to 5/10 limit. In fact, 2 of the players at the nl table had over $1000 and basically the table was just waiting for a sucker (me) to sit-down with $200 so they could push him/her around. At that table, $200 was basically going to get you 1-2 bet
  8. Did you have an all-in within a few hands at your table like I did? Not your all-in, just anyone going all-in right away? It is so funny when that happens because you would think that sort of thing may go on in the satellites, but not in the Day 1 Event. Of course, that is the first live tournament that I've played, so maybe it is more common that I realize.
  9. I completely agree with you. However, it was really the first satellite I've ever played and I just made a mistake. Of course, He could have turned over any pair and beat me and then I would be second guessing my call. O'well.
  10. If you think that is bad, read my post about the WSOP Circuit Event at Caesers Indiana, the structure was horrible.
  11. No problem. I was curious what it would be like before playing, so a report like this may have kept me from going since the limited play makes luck so much more of a factor. Of course, I'm not the greatest player either, so that probably had a lot to do with it also.
  12. Just got back last night from Event #1 at Caesers Indiana in the WSOP Circuit Event. Just wanted to provide a run-down of the event for those interested. BEWARE - These events offer almost no play due to the low starting chip count.Satellites - $50.00 single table sit-n-go. $40.00 goes towards the prize pool. Of that $400.00, the winner gets a $340 voucher into Event #1 and $60.00 in cash. However, $40.00 of that $340 voucher also is a tournament fee, so basically Caeser's is keeping $140 of every $500 in satellite fees. Starting chips = 500 (8 chips, 4 $25 & 4 $100). Blinds start a
  13. I may go down the day before and just get a room there on Sunday night. How does that work with the satellites and buy-ins? If I buy-in the day before and then manage to win a satellite later that day, will they give me my money back from the original buy-in?
  14. Did I mention that they want to play down to the final table in one day. Lets see........900 entries (90 - 100 tables) playing down to 1 table in 12 hours. Is that even possible?
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