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Flush Draw

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About Flush Draw

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    Pot Limt Omaha
  1. I am not suprized at all. You may have seen this before but shows that Frank has it right.
  2. see you there! June 12-18 Playing in the 1500 omaha on the 14th
  3. I am sure you have all seen this at this point but just in case...http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/news/ful...CategoryID=1514Harrah's Entertainment Announces 2007 Schedule For World Series Of Poker® Presented by Milwaukee's Best Light June 1 to July 17 Event Offers New Variety Of Games, Buy-Ins January 9, 2007LAS VEGAS – January 9, 2007 – Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:HET) said today the 2007 World Series of Poker Presented by Milwaukee's Best Light will offer the most diverse event schedule in the tournament's illustrious history. The 38th edition of the world's most prestigious poker t
  4. 2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: DanielNegreanu, Flush DrawHelp a brother out here would you?
  5. Well not quite the answer I was looking for, but thaks for the information.FD
  6. All good stuff there Compncards, thanks for the info. Good to see it's a standard $25 rake for the SNG. I play at Foxwoods in CT and they get more or less a 20% rake for anything less then $250, and I think its 15% after that. Don't quote me on the exact rake other then to say it's a lot more then a flat rate of $25.I think my plan in to bring $3K with me, buy into 1 event for 1.5 or 2, and use the rest on side games and satellites. I guess my original question of "when are they going to release the schedule" is even more important if they are only going to run Satellites the day before th
  7. Thanks Sam.I was actually thinking more along the lines of true satellites or super satellites dedicated to particular events as opposed to sit and goes, but so long as I get the $1500-$2500 to buy in then what does it matter?
  8. CompCards,What can you tell me about satellites in the WSOP, particularly for some of the 1-2.5K non holdem events? Do they have them, if so where, and how often? Other then the Rio - what are the best properties to stay at from a poker standpoint. I'll stay at a roach motel if they have enough Omaha WSOP satellites.Let me know?Jooka,There was a letter sent to some people who played in the main event last year to tell them they will get a discounted rate if they reserve a room at a Harrah's property. In that letter, they said the whole schedule would be released by the end of the year. Si
  9. Daniel,Can you give any updates as to when the schedule will be published? I'm being selfish here in that I am trying to book a trip to Vegas (with some fish, I mean Friends) for the WSOP this year but can only stay for 6-7 days. I'm not as interested in the the main event, but am more interested in playing a few of the $1.5K to $2.5K Omaha, HORSE events and want to make sure i get the most bang for my buck in terms of time.I'd like to get a jump on reservations as I am sure it will be a busy time. Any insights you can give is appreciated.
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