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Everything posted by jsdastud

  1. I want to use rakeback on full tilt and cant seem to figure it out someone pleaseee help me.
  2. i deposited on party in over a year. i dont like their software. so i havent played since last summer. they give me $20 at the end of every month. its kinda weird. but, ill take it.
  3. anyone know where the payout structure can be found?
  4. dont really like it. ya it looks more futuristic but, i like the old site better. it looks to busy. like too much **** is on the damn screen
  5. who is in???? im in there. happy its not a turbo tonight
  6. im still in had an up and down 1st hour. hanging on for now trying to double up quickly with these huge blinds.
  7. tuan le just got bounced. he was included.
  8. with 21 players left only mortensen can destroy everyone's field bet. should be an easy 200.
  9. arieh, cloutier, and williams just went out. im worried about gavin and tuan le. when le has chips he is dangerous
  10. with about 80 people left i believe only 7 players who are on the list are left. that looks good for neone who took the field. should be an easy 200 i hope haha.
  11. i got 50 on the field at 5/1 and forrest and edog at 110/1 for $5 each.
  12. 1-2 at mgm is sooo soft. no joke half of the players are dead money. many people would admit at the table they have seen this on tv and they have time to kill.
  13. im in for $50. this tourney will easy have 400+ players and only 70 players are listed by bodog. i also threw $5 on edog and forrest at 110-1.i also noticed nam le, joe bartholdi, and stanley weiss arent listed. not saying these are the greatest out there but, they are in the top five for the player of the year and part of the field.
  14. just got back from vegas and was pretty successful and i gotta play in a live game somewhere. where are the cash games or nice places to play in the area???
  15. I know this has been posted before but, I was wondering where I could find pro's online screen names.
  16. I hope to make a big cash in the UB $1million guaranteed in two weeks.
  17. The best ever is when freddy deeb's wife and ex wife were showing together watching him at a wsop event last year.
  18. HELL YA ILLINOIS PULLED IT OUT. WHATA GREAT FINISH. Had no money on the oklahoma game but, whata wild one.
  19. i took illinois thats not looking good. But, Bowling Green over Wisconsin is looking good. Miami over FSU should be an easy win.
  20. Is that regular or premium?its it regular. premium is around $3.19 or more.
  21. over $3 in the suburbs of chicago and $3.5 and up in the city. this sucks.
  22. is there a website that shows current bonus codes? thanks.
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