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About Holla@YoBoy

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. +1 when I first saw the post...I was like is this something new? But I guess when you take a whole blog to announce that you are shaving your head "just because" you are bound to get a few poeple to say hey bro we know its ok you are Still our fav Degen no matter what... Going Bald and all.
  2. Wonder what DN himself would have to say about this?
  3. HAhahHAHA so true...but what does this have to do with poker???
  4. why dont you get a life and stop worrying about some random post man you need to get out more LOL your a joke LOSER holla
  5. well guess what you dumb fken idiot fk you too. Idiots like you who think that are above all is what the fking problem is you ****** bag go fk yourself how about that you homo HOLLA you are just GAY that likes to take it up the arse you idiot loser fk all of you fken haters fken FOURMTARDS Truba Truba Truba Holla@yoboy
  6. LOL ma bad kid HOLLA@YOBOY big dog happy holidays and F all the haters out here
  7. HOLLA brutha and happy holidays Holla@yoBoy kid
  8. you are one of the many LOSERS that hangsout here all day that Im talkin about LOL
  9. you are what Im referring to in my post idiot HOLLA
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