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Everything posted by kouta43

  1. raise all the hands you mentioned. Only one up for debate is A 10 o/s, but its still a raise. People limp with crap in 6 handed games. make them pay, in case you didnt realise that is how you make money playing limit, punishing fishies for being dumb.
  2. Hand 1: Raise the flop, cant believe everyone is encouraging crappy passive poker. You can then safely fold to a 3bet, and fire again on the turn if he jsut calls. On the river you can decide to either check behind (probably a good choice against this opponent), or fire out a value bet if you think he will call you with a lower PP or crap like AQ that didnt connect.Hand 2: pretty ABC limit poker, id go for the c/r here also, most players dont slow down shorthanded after showing strength on the expensive streets.
  3. i think the play here is fairly standard for an overpair in a multiway field.Other option is to wait until the turn to pop it, but this is heavily dependen on both a safe card coming on the turn, and the opponent to your immediate right firing out again- none of which you can be sure of.
  4. id say this is borderline- the fact you have 3 opponents makes this a check though. Against one opponent def bet, against 2 maybe, against 3 no. This board is just so co=ordinated, straight draws, flush draws, pairs, so often at least 1/3 will hit it. What if you get called, how do you play on- keep firing and check down the river? Check here.
  5. I agree, your play seems ok here. Other option is t lead out on the turn nd fold to a raise, but we could be folding the best hand here tooften. Also, looks like this guy is going to bet the hand for us so no point betting it ourselves and cost us more bets or even worse, the pot.
  6. couldnt be bothered reading what everyone else said, but:1) Preflop is horrible. Cap without thinking twice. Wait worse than horrible. You get the picture.2) Flop play is fine, need to try and think the field here, check raise is the way to go3) Turn play is ABC4) You shouldnt be playing limit holdem if you are seriously considering folding.
  7. you do.if we are talking of postflop play passive would mean call instead of raise asa general rule. tight means more likely to fold, loose means less likely to call. therefore a tight passive player is more likley to fold than a loose passive player, and when he does call it is indeed more likely to be a call than a raise than an aggressive player.Are you sure? Then what would we call a player who was tight pre-flop and loose postflop? When you hear of players classified you'll hear something like LAP(loose aggressive/passive), but I've never heard of classifications like LTAP or LLAP.then
  8. you do.if we are talking of postflop play passive would mean call instead of raise asa general rule. tight means more likely to fold, loose means less likely to call. therefore a tight passive player is more likley to fold than a loose passive player, and when he does call it is indeed more likely to be a call than a raise than an aggressive player.
  9. I'm no good at poker, a big part of the reason that I respond to these posts is to improve my own game.I still think I'm right though you said you wouldnt raise because our opponent is tight passive. Now this is how you improve your poker. You know that tight passive is not that way to play, especially shorthanded. It is probably the worst way to play shorthanded. So now that you know your opponent doesnt play well, think how do i take advantage of my opponents poor play. here, his play is poor because he is weak how do you capitalize- raise. He now has to hit his hand to call you, which means
  10. I'm no good at poker, a big part of the reason that I respond to these posts is to improve my own game.I still think I'm right though you said you wouldnt raise because our opponent is tight passive. Now this is how you improve your poker. You know that tight passive is not that way to play, especially shorthanded. It is probably the worst way to play shorthanded. So now that you know your opponent doesnt play well, think how do i take advantage of my opponents poor play. here, his play is poor because he is weak how do you capitalize- raise. He now has to hit his hand to call you, which means
  11. limping in shorthanded games is generally to be avoided, especially in early position.
  12. if he is really tight raise anyway- all it means is you get him out of the pot if he misses on the flop regardless of what you have once you make your continuation bet.
  13. what about a raise preflop- if your hand is half decent this can never be toobad a play shorthanded- it may also knock the rest of the field out, and eve if the blinds call you have postion and control of the hand. It would certianly make this hand easier to play.
  14. I have to disagree. i'll bet out on the river, and call a raise. 6 handed players overplay half decent hands like maniacs, this is too good a hand not to at least bet out with on the river. The problem is all his play suggest he has you beat, but 6 handed im still willing to bet out on the river... but i am very aggressive when i hit a hand. intersting discussion though.
  15. check raising trapping a player in between on the expensive streets is almost always signalling a hand of strength at these levels. cant see anyway your hand is good here. Raising A 8 from the cutoff is ok depending on the table.
  16. This is what I was concerned with. At the time, I just kept betting because it was 4-handed, so I only needed to win about 25% of the time to break even (though the figure should be slightly higher since me three-betting may knock one opponent out occasionally). After stoving it against a set 4-handed, it appears that we have only about 20% equity, so 3-betting on the turn was spewage. Pre-flop------Since there are already two limpers, I saw the potential of a big multi-way pot, so i limped as well. I almost re-raised pre-flop, but elected not to on the account that though we would raise K
  17. i guess wha you are hoping or is your opponent to have a 10. he either has that, a smaller PP, or a busted draw, and there were plnty on the flop. Likely ahead here, but will he call with a worse hand?
  18. i dont like the 3bet on the turn. You are clearly behind here, and you may have less outs than you think. Any K can make someone else trips with a bigger kicker, an 8 sill leaves you dead to a set, and a club pairing the board is also not safe. Just call. You got lucky.
  19. [quote="Bubba83"]I think a lot of people would have raised the turn if they had the non ace high flush. And they can't have the A high flush since I have the key A I'm getting a ton of mixed reactions here though so I'm not sure what to think. The only thing I do agree with so far is that if we 3-bet we are calling a cap no matter what.i have seen heaps of small flush's ot raised until the river when made on the flop/turn. He either has a flush, set or smaller 2 pair. You can only beat 1 of the three, and will get reraised when he has the other 2. calling is better.
  20. i guess another problem here is you figure you are probably behind and you only have 2 outs.
  21. you have got a huge draw even if you are behind, you are almost even money. Pump the flop and see where it takes you.
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