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Everything posted by kouta43

  1. okay so say we have the exact same hand but 2 limpers instead of 1...I'm still raising every time, what about you?
  2. wasnt really asking anything, moreso looking to start some discussion.There has been alot of talk on the short handed forum about AJ in the blinds, so i thought id post a hand with plenty of action, because why not...that and i seem to be talking about others pay so i thought id let you guys have a look at my hand.
  3. thanks tim was wondering how that was done:)
  4. what do they say in SSHE- calling for one bet on the end in a big pot cannot be too bad a play in a big pot...same goes for here, even if it is wrong to call, it couldnt be anymore that slightly given the pot size and your read on opponent...I;d say is close either way.
  5. raise the flopi think now you have a tough decision because you have no idea where you are.Best option is probably to c/c unless you improve on the river, and fold if an ace comes.This is due to the combo that your hand may be best, along with the chance to improve. interested to hear what others say...this is where reads are veryhandy.
  6. finally back from an extended break, taking it easy at 1/2:Hand #11533811-26075 at Abita Springs ($1/$2 Hold'em)Powered by UltimateBetStarted at 15/Feb/06 10:32:48 sarasotajump is at seat 0 with $48. littlesal is at seat 1 with $25.50. choit is at seat 2 with $63.25. Phast is at seat 3 with $104. w is at seat 4 with $79.50. AUSSIE43 is at seat 5 with $44. The button is at seat 3. w posts the small blind of $.50. AUSSIE43 posts the big blind of $1. sarasotajump: -- -- littlesal: -- -- choit: -- -- Phast: -- -- w: Js Ah AUSSI
  7. just curious tim do you consider raising K 10 UTG here?
  8. i am around 29/17, but i have no one to compare that to.
  9. what can you beat on the river? bluff by a guy calling you down with 2 high cards? what about the guy to act after you?
  10. I fold a flush draw on the turn getting 5:1 with implied odds on the turn, on a paired board.If it's otherwise breakeven or for marginal gains, reverse implied odds make it a fold.Im not saying to fold the flop, for what it's worth. But i dont think it's a clear cut decision either way.The fact that it's going to be at least 3 way makes it censored... your pairs are dirty a fair amount of the time. Plus you arent closing action. Button could easily raise here.yeppp.
  11. I fold one card flsuh draws when there are 3 better cards to make a higher flush. Spiking a pair coincides with a likely holding for someone to make 2 pair. I fold straight draws if i have a slight overlay on pot odds but its very likely someone is drawing to a better hand.What if the A comes with significant betting action...fold.
  12. and what about the money you lose when you make second best hand?
  13. :shock:Screech,if he's referring to your hand, the BB could easily have a set of 6's and then you are drawing to runner runner.it's pretty clearly a pro fold you need to make.you spike a J and run into J 10. you spike an ace and run into A 10. You spike soemthing and run into a flush. how clean do you think your overcard outs are? (yes you have a backdoor flush draw, but that isnt to the nuts, and you have a backdoor straight draw. congratulations)Having said that, a call on the flop isnt terrible, i just dont think it is an easy call.
  14. i think this is a close call actually. If you check the turn, are you going to call a bet on the river if you dont improve? If the answer is yes, then you bet the turn, call a C/R and fold the river if you dont impove, as you can be certain you are beat..However, checking behind is also a reasonable play, as you are pretty sure you are behind, and you take a free card. Further, if you improve on the river, very likely SB will bet out and you can now raise, making up for the BB you didnt collect on the turn.
  15. amen. def raise PF here, what ended up happening was you palying a checking and guessing game.
  16. Firstly, i would raise PF here but that is just me.Also, i think the pot is to small to make it worthwhile to try and pull a move like this- i agree the button is very likely weak, but id also say he will call you down with not much either, and with only 3BB in the pot by the time it gets to you i think you can pick better spots to get tricky.
  17. iffy call on the flop? Plenty of players will raise UTG, but when they are prepared to cap they usually have a very solid holding, even 5 handed.You could either be drawing basically dead to AA or JJ (unlikely, but possible) or very likely drawing to 3 outs against QQ, KK, or AK. Turn and river play is fine.
  18. ooops just realised i didnt post this in the short handed section. oh well.
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