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Posts posted by kouta43

  1. Hi all,

    Been ages since I have posted on FCP!

    I am an Aussie looking to purchase / subscribe to sports tips, mainly the NBA (hence posting this thread). There are heaps of packages out there, are you able to suggest any? Alternatively, are there any highly successful sports / NBA handicappers here on FCP? Obviously I am happy to pay for the tips if they are good and there is proof of a long term winning history.





  2. I dont like just calling the flop given you are oop, which means shove most of the time and very rarely folding is an option if this guy is a complete nit - you would want to know the player pretty well though.What did you plan on doing if he bet the turn?

  3. I pick up JJ in SB. I have been playing 35/25-ish (don't know the exact numbers) at this table, because I have been hitting a *sick* run of nice hands. Since I have not made it to showdown often, I am probably viewed as LAGgy... possibly even maniac-esk (because whenever I get called, the flop hits me in the face, anyway, so I don't slow down).I watched villian triple-barrell bluff a pre-flop raiser from the BB with A-high, but other than that, he has bee playing 37/7: loose, but not too aggressive.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)UTG ($194)MP ($259.20)Button ($208.15)Hero ($266.75)BB ($180.65)Preflop: Hero is SB with Jdiamond.gif, Jclub.gif. 3 folds, Hero raises to $6, BB raises to $16, Hero?Call? or Raise? ...I suppose I could also fold, but that didn't cross my mind.
    No way you should fold here. Personally Id call and trsut my postflop skills, but re raising and then assesing if he pushes isnt horrible either, problem is you are oop if you see a flop and the pot will be quite big, just calling keeps the pot while you are smaller oop.
  4. A friend of mine recently started playing online, he has been playing full ring 0.5/1 at stars, and whilst he started ok has struggled recently.here are his stats for last 4,000 hands, in 2x2,000 blocks:> Hold'em (Real Money):>> 2000 hands played and saw flop:> - 74 times out of 218 while in small blind (34%)> - 137 times out of 215 while in big blind (64%)> - 308 times out of 1567 in other positions (20%)> - a total of 519 times out of 2000 (26%)>> Pots won at showdown - 69 out of 145 (48%)> Pots won without showdown - 145 and> 2000 hands played and saw flop:> - 68 times out of 217 while in small blind (31%)> - 129 times out of 212 while in big blind (61%)> - 301 times out of 1571 in other positions (19%)> - a total of 498 times out of 2000 (25%)>> Pots won at showdown - 67 out of 151 (44%)> Pots won without showdown - 127 whilst i realise these stats are far from detailed or conclusive, is there anything that you guys can comment on, good or bad?

  5. mfer... for those checking this thread in the morning, i got heads up with him having a 3:1 chip lead, we fought for a long time, i got even shorter and sucked out with K6 against his AA to get back to about a 2.5:1 deficit, we battled a little while longer and then he had a 2:1 chip lead and we got it all in, i had 22 and he had A2 and he rivered an ace. gg 2nd place instaed of having a 2:1 chip lead, but whatever, i'll take the 5kty everyone for railing, full tilt final tables are def the best
    What are you whinging about..you sucked out with K6 v AA. If you really had your wish that bad beats didnt hit you wouldnt have even got to the A2v22 hand.
  6. You dont think that people average more than $200 a day?You can do better than that at 1/2 limit after rakeback/bonus benefits if you put in the hands and are decent.
    You really think you can avg 200 playing 1/2 limit?thats 100bbassume you beat the game for 2bb/100, and say you 4 table at 100hands/hr, thats 12.5 hours...i guess you chop a few hours off for bonus+rakeback, maybe it is possible...just thinking out loud, im trying to do something similar playing 2/4-3/6 and some 5/10. I play at UB but realise i should broaden my horizons in terms of sites- oh this is 6max lhe by the way. Any recomendations for other sites for what im doing?
  7. Anyone ever play in these? Their incredibly soft, and if you enjoy making easy money, then I suggest you play in them. I've played in 6 or 7 in the past week. 2 final tables, 1 win and a big cash.It's very easy to get a huge stack (around 20,000) within the first hour, and without spending too much on rebuys. My average investment is about 3-5 rebuys. If you can manage to get at least 18,000 after the first break, then a solid TAG game is all you need to get deep.
    You know little about poker, and even less about variance.
  8. I read it all. Seems shitty what happened to you, but you're not actually out the $1255. You're owed $1255 yes, but it wasn't money you had in the first place so you're not out the money. I think Caesar's probably ought to make good, but I can see why it would set a bad precedent for them to pay other people's wagers. They should definitely ban that guy from their poker room and their casino for life and maybe even from every other casino owned by that company. At this point, I guess you just have to hope that the gaming control board and the courts can get your money back for you.
    Yes, he is out the $1255 and the money is his. If you get robbed of your paycheck just as its being hande to you, would you say it wasnt money you had in the first place so you arent as such out of the money? Fuking amateurs.
  9. yeh not much. made a few bucks switching from 6 max lhe to 6 max NL, mainly 1/2 then 2/4 with some 3/6 and 5/10. Felt my concentration lapsing so taking an indefinite break before i piss my winnings away.

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