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Zealous Donkey

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Everything posted by Zealous Donkey

  1. I admittingly don't know anything at all about the beliefs of Buddhists. Again though, this action seems suicidal to me. The Christian Martyrs were trying to teach or deliver a specific message, and were killed while trying to defend the merits of thier teaching. They didn't kill themselves, they wanted to keep on teaching, preaching, illustrating, converting. Setting yourself on fire as a protest is something I don't understand. What are they hoping to accomplish. Are people that see them do this going to understand why they were setting themselves on fire. Commiting suicide for most a
  2. No, if the so called moderate peace loving Muslems, were dying to keep their Religion from being hijacked, that would be more along the lines of what Joan was doing.We could go on forever, yes on some level every person who dies for religion or god is similar, but not distinguishing between Christian martyrs and 911 terrorists is a bit silly. They are different on so many levels.
  3. I don't quite agree with this statement. She very much wanted to live, if you read transcripts of her trial, you realize she was terrified and tormented by thoughts of execution and or imprisonment. This IMO is a distinct difference from those who die because they have no respect for life, (ie, islamist extremests) . Correct, joan's was a little bit of a different situation than those persecuted in Rome. Still, she is an example of a martry for the true Church vs. the oppression of a corrupt imposter.
  4. WHAT? How was she able to accomplish so much? She was 17, 18 yr old peasant girl from the country( and psychotic according to you and others) yet was able to singlehandedly influence a change in the landscape of history. Because she was intelligent? How was she able to convince people she was for real? You guys are quick to dismiss things as common folly, which in fact are rare, selfless, acts of heroism. These people ( at least most ) were not suicidal, they didn't want to die, but they did, and not as soldiers, but of their free will. Many of the martyrs could have lived had they
  5. joan of arc was 18 yr old illiterate peasant, Bin Laden is a multi-billionaire with access to a slueth of suicidal maniacs like the 911 hijackers. joan of arc claimed to hear directly from God, 911 hijackers heard from Bin Laden. "became a brilltiant military leader" how?? why did soldiers agree to follow her. Joan of arc was responsible for the deaths of thousands of military personel, who were able to defend themselves. She didn't want to die. 911 hijackers were suicidal nuts convinced to sacrificing themselves for the cause of recieving sexual pleasure from 72 virgins, and convi
  6. Joan of Arc PaulPolycarp http://www.biblefacts.org/church/Martyrdom_Polycarp.htmlI'll just stick with these three for now, though there are hundreds. Were these people heros, or just nuts along the lines of the 911 terrorists, Jim Jones-- Peoples Temple, ect. I read over and over in posts how Christianity is just a cult, undistinguished, in any way from any other cult. And that those who died for their faith are just nuts who died for silly superstitions. What do you think?
  7. Hope the Cardinals get some runs early. Carp is pumped up and is going to burn out early tonight. Dont' see him pitching more than six, unless he settles down a little.
  8. Sorry, I wasn't talking to you this time, just responding to a specific question in this thread. 1. Give examples, do it in new post though. This is about Scientology.2. I edited my post, you are right, I will have to go back and research the time period again, thanks alot
  9. 1. The people who had first hand knowledge of Jesus died horrible deaths while spreading the news about him. Why would they die for something they knew to be false (ie, he didn't rise from the dead, but the diciples stole his body). If they knew he was just a man, and didn't really rise from the dead, then why did they go to their deaths teaching this. 2. How did Rome, who for hundreds of years had worshiped thousands of gods, convert completely to Christianity less than 100 years after Christs death. Something extraodinary obviously happened during that time period.
  10. No, I linked that to show that there are some bible commentaries believe Isiah 40:22 proves that the bible says the earth is round. There are many others that say it means flat circle or disk. Most likely, it is metaphorical, because most of the other references to the earth especially in Rev: describe the four corners of the earth, which would mean they are describing a flat 4 cornered earth.( if taken literally) Rev, obviously is metaphorical. I will not deny that the writers may have indeed thought the world was a flat circle at the time. They were not physics teachers, they were wr
  11. The wages of sin is death. Before God came to earth and lived as a man and sacrificed himself for our sins. People and populations had to pay the price for their own sins. They paid through blood sacrifice, those who were disobedient, refused to make sacrifices, had to pay through death. The reason God came to earth and lived here for 33 years was so he wouldn't have to use as heavy a hand, and give everyone a chance to repent and spend eternity with their maker. If there is a God that put is in this world, he also has the right to take us out any way he sees fit.
  12. I added some links to my last post if you are interested. http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/wor...95156-3879.html
  13. I believe there is a heaven out past the first and second heavens which are the ones you are describing as a dome. First heaven = atmosphere, second heaven = space As far as the dome reference I dont' really know what you are talking about, but I have heard some commentaries which sort of describe earth as sort of a biodome, which was removed during the great flood, leaving us with what we have now. Is that what you are talking about? I haven't spent much time thinking about that kind of thing, it isn't important. There are also commentaries which interpret, in spripture, that the wri
  14. Mom always said, don't play ball in the house.
  15. No, I trust my doctor with healing my body, and God with healing my soul. quote name='WrongWay' date='Tuesday, October 17th, 2006, 4:29 PM' post='1475533']Ditto for probability of committing a crime. It is purely a factor of your financial situation, not your religion. In fact, on average, atheists and agnostics are least likely to commit a crime, but they are also generally more financially well off. Again, it is a product of your income, not your religion.I disagree with this, there are alot of factors that you are leaving out, most notable family structure, Children living in single mothe
  16. There is only one true Christianity, none of the denominations in America are the true Christianity, they are all corrupt to some extent. But there are a set of teachings and doctine that can probably most easily be accessed through the Catholic Church. So I guess I will concede that I don't belong to the "true" Christian Church, but I can (by learning teaching and doctrine of the early church). The only true Christians are those who adhere to the original doctrine and believe in the ressurection of Jesus as the savior of man kind. While many sins have been commited in the name of Christia
  17. Isn't it possible that the others shared in order to keep from getting the **** kicked out of them.
  18. Actually, I am talking about Rome about 90 years after Christs death. I will have to look it up to get closer number. Anyway, that must have been a powerfull cult to be able to overthrow the Roman Government. Now that is just silly. If I rob a bank dressed up like you, did you actually rob the bank.
  19. I DEMAND TO KNOW HOW TO SPLIT QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I guess your right, we have traveled down so many paths, I don't even know which thread I am now posting in. I think is important to understand, that most anything of value is counterfitted. In many of these threads I see actions of counterfitters attributed to the real Christianity.
  20. Agree completely, but Rush admits it. Oprah doesn't. If she admitted it I wouldn't have a problem with it. Going to a doctor doesn't contridict anything in Christian teaching that I understand. I do think a strong faith in God may help the healing process, but certainly doesn't replace what modern medicine can do. Jesus only promise is that he would heal your soul, not every ailment and discomfort that effects you.
  21. Thought we were talking about God. Did Budda claim to be God, did Muhommad? Many of the ancient gods that were worshipped for thousands of years are no more because of Christianity. Rome went from worshipping thousands of gods to overwhelmingly Christian in a very short period of time. I wasn't saying staying power alone is proof of anything. I asked him to explain why he thought Christianity has had such a staying power. I guess I should have also asked, what happened to cause such a fickle population as those in the Roman empire to convert from worshiping thousands of gods to 1 God
  22. I tend to agree with you, but I hope you aren't denying that the timing of the release of this information was designed to keep Christians voting numbers down at the polls because they tend to vote republican. The media continously tries to manipulate the vote, even Oparah Winfrey, watch her show the week of an election and see who her guests are. ( I don't know if this is as prevelent in off year elections, but watch in 2008). The election exit polls have tried to influence the vote for years and only the last couple of elections has it finally been exposed.
  23. Ok, but why has Christianity stuck around for 2K years. Why arent' there millions of world wide worshipers of Paul Bunyon? My only real point is that I believe something significant happened 2 thousand years ago. Christianity distinguishes itself in several ways and in ways in which in can't be simply tossed away as a fable. In the cases off the top of my head, most of the cults died with the death of their god-head. In any case they arent' as long lasting and widespread as Christianity. What is your explanation of Christianity's staying power?
  24. First, a question, how would I reply to several snippits of a post with out having to quote the whole post? I have seen several others do this but I can't figure it out So in your view, how did this progress? Was there a meeting of a bunch of scammers, who got together and conspired to create a false god for the good of the "people" . And not one of those mean gods either, but a nicer, kinder god, that will destroy our enemies for us ( though not really because we are just making this up) and protect us from the dangers of society, like crucifixion, boiling in oil, and burning at the stak
  25. Gee, I wonder why this information is coming out now? I't couldn't possibly be to effect the turnout of Christians in the upcoming elections.
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