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About Longboy

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    NL Hold'em
  1. 8-handed $1/$2 NL game at local card room. I'm currently on a bit of a rush and have worked my starting stack of $100 up to $190 by playing lots of hands and raising a lot preflop.Folds to me, I raise from MP with Ah-Qh to $8 and am called by BB (who has around $125, and has been playing a little loose-aggressive).Flop: 10h-9s-2h(BB checks, I bet $15, BB calls)Turn: 5c(BB checks, I bet $30, BB calls)River: As(BB goes all in for $74, I..........???????)
  2. Single table tourney, start w/1500 chips, 25-50 blinds to start, 15 min. levels, pays top 2.There are 6 players left. I'm 2nd in chips (3500) and on the button at 100/200 blinds. 2 players limp in front of me. I get 5s5c and make it 800 to go (I'm very loose-agressive). SB (2500 in chips) calls the 800, all others fold.Flop:2d-4d-6hSB thinks for 15 secs. and goes all in. First time playin with this guy, but from what I've seen he's a loose, weak player.I think for a while and call, leaving me with only 1000 left if I lose.Let's hear some input and I'll let you know what he had.
  3. On the actual hand, I quick called and he turned over 77 for top set.Thinking back on it, I should've folded for two reasons:1. I only had 450 invested. I was also chip leader going into the hand.2. I didn't have any kind of read on the table. The ONLY thing I knew is that this guy seemed like a solid player, not the type that would make that play on a bluff. Therefore, the only real hands I can beat are 88-1010, or maybe jacks. He probably would raised preflop with a higher pair, but just calling preflop with 44, 77, or 56 was a distinct possibility. Add that to the fact that it was a
  4. STT at my local card room. 1500 chips to start. 25/50 blinds. Top 2 pay. Never played with any of these guys. I am loose-aggressive.4th hand of tourney, I'm at 1700 and get dealt 33 in early position. UTG raises to 150, I call, button calls, both blinds call. 750 in pot and 5 players.Flop is nice for me:3-4-7 rainbowChecked to me, I fire out 300. Button folds. SB (at about 1500) raises all-in, folds to UTG, who thinks for 2 mins. then folds. SB seems like a solid player, but again I've never seen him play.Now it's on me. I have the 4th nuts but I've only invested 450 so far. What d
  5. $50 single table home game, at level 3 (Blinds 100-200), 4 players left.Chip counts:UTG- 6000Button- 3500SB- 3000BB (me)- 8500UTG, who is a tight, tricky player, raises to 600 preflop, fold to me.I look down at the Ah4h and call the extra 400. (I am a loose-aggressive player and I like to mix it up preflop).Flop:Ad9c7sI check, he checks. (He is the kind of player that check top pair a lot, so at this point i put him on a big ace or a 1010-KK)Turn:4sI make a nice bet of 1000, hoping to get action from his big Ace. He thinks for a little bit then doubles it to 2000, leaving him with 3400 left
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