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Everything posted by Teavis

  1. Anyone who wants to rail a $4 tournament is really gay.By the way...how much did you pay those chicks to pose with you? $100? Just seems you are too fat to have friends. If you pay $100 for chicks to stand next to you, whats $4?
  2. to someone new to being staked...nohave some respect
  3. So its my fault for him transferring the money and having no idea what tourney to play?
  4. Also the OP should learn how to spell courtesy.
  5. Teavis is here...have no fear. I come to explain myself.On Saturday I started a thread to see if anyone would stake me in a $4 tournament for a guaranteed $125 for him. TheHidden was kind of enough to agree to it. Anyway something came up and I had to split...I assumed no big deal...he hadn't transferred the money. The next couple days I got some nasty messages from him, which didn't make any sense since I had never taken the money...or so I thought. I logged on to Stars to double check, and sure enough the money was in there.I immediately sent TheHidden a PM to apologize...I told him I w
  6. No talk of Johnny Walker Black? For shame.Good luck getting drunk by yourself!
  7. Teavis


    Just ballin
  8. The Barbaro one is my favorite...but I forgot about the venn diagram of "poker players who ****ing suck". Other gold is his Vegas trip reports...that guy tears Vegas a new one every time he goes there.Wow...he was tanked last night too. All gibberish to me.
  9. Honestly I read it because it reminds me why I wasn't meant to be a poker player. I love the game...I just knew that if I exceled at it i would essentially be in his shoes. WhoaDeep
  10. He's good at the game. Life might get him though.
  11. Then when you go to the sites do you just enter it like its a VISA credit card?
  12. 29% is almost Gigli bad....Rotten Tomatoes
  13. He's a dying breed. Highly entertaining. This is only posted for the ones that missed the chance to watch someone ruin their life.Wintermute
  14. I love the avatar. Go Zona!
  15. I've read a lot of threads about how fat and lazy poker players are. You are fat. Incredibly fat. I can help.But there is hope. Try a low-carb diet...don't buy the books...just only eat meat, vegetables (except corn and peas and a few others), and dairy. Then throw in an occasional carb after 3 or 4 weeks. Drink whiskey. I lost 25 pounds in 2 months. Brag post!
  16. And then you realized your body was changing, but no one had ever explained it to you before...
  17. Just wondering if any poker players have died yet as a result of poker being illegal.
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