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Everything posted by PiercE^Bodog

  1. Yeh it is bullshit how Btown wasn't invited back to high stakes, i really enjoyed watching his play.
  2. lol... i was truly shocked...... until i realized this was a $10 SnG
  3. downswing"I am currently on my largest downswing of my life. It very depressing and today the total hit 3 million dollars. It began the last two days of live play when I lost 1.8 million dollars and has continued online by losing another 1.2 million. I have been getting destroyed by pretty much everyone I play. I think overall I have played pretty well in this downswing besides one night where I was very tired. I have almost completely busted my FTP account and may have to wire more money which would be very depressing. If this happens I will probably take a few weeks off poker to cool off. Th
  4. I don't care what anyone says, PT is completely worthless at .25/.50..and cwik... your an idiot.
  5. Yeh... Sbrugby is having a good night, but compared to lastnight, its nothingDURRR was playing 6 tables and had over a million spread out. he was sitting with like 250k at 3 200/400 (40k max) tables of PLO. it was prty amazingthat 93til guy had a prty godlike night tonight aswell. he sat with 40k at 2 tables of 200/400 NLH and cashed with 350 at one and 290 at the other.
  7. low stakes but im at the final table of the 8k gaurenteed :/ on bodog!no joke THX
  8. i love you all thanks for the support
  10. roflrfolrfolrfolrfolrfolrfolrfol.i had buffalo wings for dinner
  11. i cashed out with 182 bones in my little .25/.50 cash game. the funny thing is.. im down 68$ tonight \. i feel like the samy farah of my home game. add onrebuy rebuyrebuywinwinwinwinwingame overoh well tootles
  12. yeh , shawn plays poker there frequently. he is so bad lol.
  13. its not a ****ing April fools joke, lol. and if you were at the casino from 11pm - 2am you would of seen him there if you even went to the bathroom. Now scotty was simply walking around the card room greeting people and ****. he was nice as hell and as i said before he was in town because his mom lives in Scottsdale and he was simply visiting her. he didnt play any poker he was just there for about an hour and then left.
  14. First of all, Charles has invested extremely well, im talking insanely well.here is some things i foundhttp://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/inside_ga...life_of_reilly/He's a player in politics. Bill Clinton has strolled Watts with him. Gore and Bush have met with him. Bill Bradley calls. Yeah, when you're a black businessman with a net worth of more than $200 million and you can move huge blocs of votes with one well-placed quote, your answering machine tends to fill up.If you haven't already heard, Charles Barkley on Wednesday announced that he has lost over $10 million in gambling over the years
  15. you thought wrong, if you have seen any interview with Barkley about his gambling, he says he will NEVER stop gambling but he realizes he has a problem and wants to (WANTS TO) stop playing for $10,000+ a hand and focus on the 1,000$ a hand range. At casino AZ the max bet a hand on BJ is $1000. he did well last night, he made like $60,000, But when your net worth is over 200,000,000 not much fazes you
  16. last night was awesome, Charles Barkley was playing black jack 1000$ a hand. Everyone was watching him having fun with his ***. While i was playing poker i saw Scotty Nguyen walking around, i yell out is that Scotty Nguyen? he then looks and says "WAS UP BABY" the he come to my table and shakes my hand and says " what we working with baby, lets see your card" i show him my J2 off suit and im about to fold, he says " NO BABY, YOU PUSH ALL IN BABY." I say to him Hell no, and fold, he then laughs and is like "how you fold cards like that, come on baby" So i guess hes in town to visit his mom, w
  17. lol, hellmuth is so funny, i love that guy.
  18. This is true, in the long run.. luck doesn't mean a thing in poker.
  19. lol dude, i was out there tonight too. i have been going like 3 times a week. i was playing from 9 till 1 or so. i have been running so well there, the people that play at that place are just so ****ing bad. i had a prty bad session tonight. i started off owning as usual, built my 300 stack to 750 or so then got in a huge hand, had 77 opponent at AQ flop came AQ7 he had 400, i put him allin on the flop and what do you know, the ****ing 4 outer appears ). oh well, luck comes and goes. i love that place, these people just dont know what the **** they are doing. yeah Scottsdale is the ****, fine
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