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Everything posted by magnus72

  1. magnus72

    The Hideout

    Is there a way to jump to any page on a thread. Like a place where you can type in the page number and go to that page?nevermind I figured it out, I am an idiot.
  2. magnus72

    The Hideout

    You have got to be kidding me. Seeing hands like these just brings me one step closer to investing in that computer.
  3. Barbershop 2 Back in business
  4. When I was about ten Ski School was my favorite because it had boobies.
  5. magnus72

    The Hideout

    FYP I have eaten the general Tso's chicken from an actual restaurant not a buffet and it was alright. I would still take my steak and potatoes any day of the week.
  6. magnus72

    The Hideout

    I have only eaten Chinese like four times in my life, but at the buffet I went to I would always eat the sweet adn sour chicken, minus the sweet and sour sauce. So it was pretty much like paying 8 bucks to eat a bunch of chicken nuggets because I didn't like anything else.
  7. magnus72

    The Hideout

    At least they are both way better at their job then the girl from Poker Superstars 3. Those have to be some of the worst post knockout interviews I have ever seen.
  8. magnus72

    The Hideout

    I guess you gotta give it to Shana Hiatt because she was the original. There is always something better about the first time.
  9. I won a big pot with the Krablar last night in my home game and sent my buddy on tilt. He was out about ten minutes after that hand and couldn't believe I raised with K3 the whole way and caught a King on the river.
  10. Going to pass out on my third different couch of the week. Its leather and freezing in this basement but I think I can find enough blankets. Tomorrow night I am goin for four in a row baby.
  11. Well in the small town that I live in, the fruit punch-berry was the only X factor option. I might have to try the others out if when I go out of town.
  12. magnus72

    The Hideout

    I just got back from taking my home Finished third in our first game and had to play heads up for an hour to win the second.I am a little to intoxicated to drive home so I am crashing at my buds house.
  13. magnus72

    The Hideout

    Actually I think its kind of a quote from Talladega Nights. I don't remember the exact line but its at the end of the movie he says come on lets go get kicked out of Applebee's. It was so funny because a bunch of us were just in there before the movie and the bartender wouldn't give me more then two perfect margaritas and threatened to kick me out if I didn't keep it down a bit.I know I am supposed to throw a picture in here but my bosses wife keeps walking by my desk and I got to get outta here sorry guys.Edit: Nevermind I guess I was totally lookin at the wrong post.
  14. magnus72

    The Hideout

    Actually I was reading the entire thread from the beginning. I got to page 11 but I got to start shutting down at work here now so maybe I will continue reading tommorow. Depending on how boring it is.
  15. Not really, every time I try to cook something it turns out like crap. I don't want to take some sort of cooking class just to learn how o cook a decent meal.Another super power I would want would be to see the river before it actually came.
  16. I would want to be able to cook like Emeril. No more Ramen noodles and Macaroni and Cheese.
  17. magnus72

    The Hideout

    I got fifth place out of 90 players for $152. First place paid $680 I think.
  18. magnus72

    The Hideout

    Im from northern Minnesota, I live right in the middle kinda of the Shooting Star, the Northern Lights, and the Seven Clans Casino.
  19. I plan on it, first I think I got to get a better TV otherwise it doesn't really matter what system you got the picture isnt going to be a whole lot different.
  20. Madden 07 Review FoxsportsRead towards the bottom it says there is no owner mode and no fantasy draft.
  21. Im planning on picking it up tonight, no idea if its even going to be available or not.Only thing I am pissed about is there is no fantasy draft this year, thats what I read somewhere anyways, that was one of my favorite parts of the game.
  22. What the f*** is a frush. My two kings beat your frush.
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