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Posts posted by magnus72

  1. Stupid big stacks making loose calls and rivering ya I hate that when it happens.Alright I am going to go start my four day bender, have a good labor day everyone.

  2. My three day weekend officially startes in about an hours. I am getting out of work early to meet my friends and go to a weekend long countryfest in Hallock.My buddy is home from the navy for ten days then he gets shipped out to the Indian Ocean and doesn't know how long he will be out there. So I am getting drunk about two hours after I get off work and will be until Monday night when I get home sometime.Congrats on the 4 final tables in 3 days Nick

  3. I'm already in school. AP biology is killing me. I had a reading last night that took 3 hours.
    I keep on having nightmares about school. Its like I am registered for the classes but dont show up for like three weeks until I realize that I am missing the class. Its a relief when I wake up and realize I have been out for over 2 years now.
  4. i paid $50we start 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR/TE, 1 Def, 1 Ki got a lot of shit for taking Palmer for some reason
    The team looks pretty stacked unless you only have six people in your league then it might be rough.Everyone was giving my buddy **** for picking Carson Palmer in round one but he looked good the other night and we have 14 people in my league so if he wanted him he had to take him.
  5. I hate that when you can tell what the player is holding and are betting to represent a hand that ahs his hand beat. Then they take forever to call and say oh man I thought you had the flush, then why did you call on the river if you thought you were beat?

  6. Hey Napa and Brvheart, you guys ever play in any opker rooms in Iowa?I stop in at that riverboat in Osceola everytime I make the trip down to my dads. You guys ever been there? That place sucks, last time I was there they never called my name off the board and I ended up losing like $500 on blackjack and getting drunk in the process. I went and chewed their *** when I was out of money.

  7. SIGH :club: I CANT STAND OSUi like the canes, so i also hate FSU, florida dont bother me that much, and PSU is my most despised college team, and i went to penn state...go figure
    I can't stand South Carolina, actually its alright, I just hate those guys who wear those hats that say COCKS across the front of them.
  8. I can imagine that every stripper, dealer, waitress, hostess, etc. that is even remotely attractive must get hit on constantly by obnoxious male tourists.So, if you live in Vegas or have a single/formerly single buddy who does, how do they pick up women? For a good time, or for a relationship? At church? :club: I want to hear some strategery for operating successfully in a resort/touristy area.
    Win a WSOP bracelet after that the rest of your appearence doesn't matter.
  9. I am not saying I was a favorite you idiot. Instead of sharing the ****ing donktackular play that knocked me out I figured I would curse on here instead of breaking my computer. But thanks for the response dumb ****
    Go ahead and let it out buddy don't break your cmoputer.
  10. not a shot to make it to the championship gamenotre dametexaswest virginiamiami (only if they beat FSU next monday) they cant get there with one loss)louisville (they might run the table, but i dont know if there schedule is tough enough)USC (they have some tough games but most of them are at home and thier qb john david booty, is very good, from all reports ive heard)
    He didn't say the championship game he was talking about teh bigger bowl games.
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