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Posts posted by magnus72

  1. Bell was shaking with excitement after Shanahan informed him he'd been elevated to the top running back position. Bell couldn't believe he'd bypassed Ron Dayne and Tatum Bell. On Monday, Mike Bell was running with the first-team offense. Tatum Bell is second on the depth chart and Dayne third.unless Mike Bell gets injured, no, he wont
    I told you Tatum Bell would be starting week one.
  2. See, this is good football talk. I can only imagine what this would look like in Gen. Poker"OMG WTF Texas pwns all noobs!""STFU you don't have enough posts to have an opinion yet"
    Brad Johnson pwns
  3. Oh I thought he meant my first drink TODAY! Its 5 o'clock somewhere.
    I was drinking vodka sours at 8:30 AM last Saturday before anyone in my camp was awake. I drank all day long. Fell over in the bleachers during XXL by Keith Anderson. Drank all night long and was the last one in my camp to go to sleep. Nobody could believe what kept me going. I think I am still hungover today a little bit.
  4. I can imagine,computer: "Hot sluts in bubble bath"computer: "Two chicks taking it hard"computer: "pretty teens first time"blind guy: "Thank god they made the internet for the blind!!"Please note: I'm not that funny. Sorry.
    I am crying at work right now. Oh my god thats funny
  5. Easy Mac is underated. Its very tasty.
    I like combing regular mac with spirals mac and then thowing it in the fridge and eating it the next day. Mac and Cheese is always better cold.
  6. Texas is going to rely more on their running game to take the pressure off their young QB and with Ohio State's young defense I think its to close to call right now. I would give the advantage to Texas just because they are the home team.

  7. If Penn State pulled off a win this weekend it would definitely bolt them up the rankings. Notre Dame is no Akron though and they are going to have a tough time picking up a win at Notre Dame.

  8. Im looking forward to a long weekend of doing nothing but watching football and the Twins. Thats about all I can do after I spent the rest of my paycheck on getting drunk last weekend.

  9. What the hell, its been a long time since I told a story so I'll give it a shot. On Wednesday night, I had started watching the PPT and decided to go upstairs in my room to watch it. Mind you its only 9 p.m. and my alarm isn't set, my **** load of homework isn't done and I wasn't that tired. So the next thing I know I'm dreaming about playing wiffeball in Jamie Gold's back yard against Mariano Rivera and David Ortiz and I think the winner was the one who was able to live and the losers died. (Jamie Gold was in charge of this) So then I lose and Jamie Gold starts laughing, that evil kind of laugh like muahahahahhaaha and I wake up.I thought it was Saturday and I thought it was 11 am. So I look over at my alarm and its 6:30 am. I had to be up, ready to go, have a shitload of homework done at 7am. So I printed out literally as I was running out the door, some sparknotes and I sprinted to the bustop. I juuuust made it to my bus in time. My first quiz of the year since I wasn't able to study for it, I got a 58. My next class I have a pop quiz, I get a 35 on it, seeing I wasn't able to read **** cept for skimming spark notes. I go on to miss a couple homework assignments that day. I guess theres not much point to this story accept for....**** School
    Jamie Gold is messing with everyone even as we sleep. WOW.Im at work thats the best I can do. Sorry
  10. I used to ask my dad for a sip of his beer when I was like 7 or 8 and then slam the rest giving him about one drink left. He would always be you little **** but he would still give me a drink of his next beer but watch me closer that time.

  11. 8, my friend's mom gave us a beer each to finish a plate of quiche (nasty!).When I was 12 my friend's sister bought us some 40's. ZOMG, to be tossed off only one 40 again would be precious.
    Ever played Edward 40 Hands where you duct tape two forties to each hand and can't take them off til they are both gone? The game really sucks if you have already broken the seal.
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