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Everything posted by rivergirl

  1. i'm at table 12 in the 7377 if anyone's bored...not much happening tho...really tight azz table
  2. good... i need a harry potter update...
  3. i'll do 50/50 each too, that's fine wiht me
  4. 8253 58/180...inalso in 7377
  5. ok fellas, the one registering ok?rog, i'll double split with ya, both of the 180's i'm playing, sound ok?let me know
  6. rivergirl...windsorthanks again
  7. just let me know which one....i'm already playing in the one that just started. but i will leave up to rog which one he'd like the stake in...
  8. thanks rog...i hope to do you proud
  9. i'm in for spydur's idea too, a little multi-tabling never hurt anyone...gl gl gl all...hopefully you'lll all come rail both my fts lllllloooooollllll
  10. gonna go get in one anyway, but what's sharkscope and how do you get one?
  11. When i was young(er), i always thought Haim was the cuter one....also feldman had too many lame lines in most movies.i actually liked river phoenix much better than both tho....ok, now my age is showing
  12. to be perfectly honest, ED is getting on my last nerve....sure his calling out of people makes for great tv, but, he just keeps getting in everyone's face and his scare tactics are now annoying. i hope someone gets the balls to put him up and get rid of him soon. The only trouble is, too many people in the house are afraid to vote against him. I definately don't want to see him win.
  13. i usually get sick everytime i go to vegas too, so i feel for you. Nothing like a sweater and jeans in 120 degree heat. I hope you found some good memories to take home.
  14. We normally stay at the Riviera, only because the pool tourney we go to is there, but the rooms are comfortable and clean and it's reasonably inexpensive. It really is a decent place to stay. It is on the strip, just a little ways down. Cab rides are pretty cheap up the strip. If you go with more than 4 people i suggest limo-ing it instead of cabs tho, cause you can only fit 4 in a cab and if you have to take 2 cabs for your whole party, it's cheaper to do 1 limo
  15. yep, not funny...can't believe i wasted 30 seconds of my life reading it
  16. ya, we have a pokerroom now...but didn't for a loooonnnngggg time. I guess it's been there for about 2 years or so now. Its not so bad now that they've stopped running a session fee for the 100 max/nl. Although since they've gone to the rake for that game, its become so popular they only have one, maybe 2 tables of any other game going at any time so if 1/2nl is not what you're looking for, call ahead and reserve a spot and the wait time for the other games drops a little.As far as his thoughts about superglue...he didn't comment. I would guess he was thinking the same thing i was....it sh
  17. Seriously, someone just asked him his opinion on superglue.....this man is truly a saint
  18. It makes me feel so sorry for DN....i can't believe that people would actually take the time to type some of those retarded questions, and then actually hit the ENTER button without the "this makes me look like an idiot" thought go through their head. Now everytime he wants to play a little poker, he's barraged with stupid questions and comments about things like drug use and useless poker commentary. i've always had a great respect for DN, the way he's always willing to stop to talk to fans, but this makes him to be a saint for what he's now got to endure everytime he goes to play. I guess
  19. i love those "oh i have to go" play like a donk ers
  20. it took about an hour of doing that waiting for someone to unregister, but i made it.....gl all
  21. i would, without question, put your money at stars.....i really like alot of the stuff they have. When they do have deposit bonuses they aren't too bad and they have had some really good promos lately. They do have a TON of tourneys and the options you have with them are awesome. I've tried FT and didn't really feel comfortable there. Maybe it's just personal preference, but i really enjoy playing at PS...just my 2 cents
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