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Everything posted by rivergirl

  1. yes, worst being, i bust out first hand aipf with AA against 7-2o and i'm out 4 bucks and tilting like a madwoman...but, this would've been my first 180 win....so i'm kind of bummed...i had a good shot, started playing a little negligently with it once i realized time was running low...wanted everyone out quick. Just bummed i had to leave, unfortunately, i have a commitment to my teammates to be there....tongiht tho, they probably would've been better off without me...
  2. this afternoon i registered for a 180/4.40 at about 4 o'clock. I had to play pool at 7:30..figured, even if i go deep, i can be a few minutes late for pool but if the usual thing happens, i've amused myself till it's time to go get ready. Wouldn't ya know it, at 6:45-7:00, i've got a 4 to 1 chiplead with 4 people left and it's almost time to leave. i hang out for another 45 minutes, lose a few, win a few..there are 3 people left. i still have a chip lead, just not a good one, but i have to goi figured, they would chop my blinds and i would finish 3rd....i didn't i got 2nd..I'm geeked
  3. i looked and i looked...i don't think you're going to find anything quicker...unless you're willing to leave, say Aug 14? i even did the multiple days before and after..not to mention the package travel sites looking for charters...sry i think you'll just have to find something to do in miami for a few hours
  4. i hope this one is okhttp://booking.farecompare.com/book/flight...2b67451613fcab6thought i filtered date....must default back..sry'
  5. are we going on three...or going on "go"?this could cause confusion...
  6. and you were doing so well.....have fun
  7. if your penis isn't bigger than mine....there is a definate problem....i really think you are totally still missing the idea of the op and would like to hear DN's opinion. I won't wager on other people's opinions because well, that's silly...just for the record i don't vote either, kind of think it's the same thing...But i will say this, regardless of what they don't offer at ft (the fold button) and even though most people do not know how to use it (even when its bet to them)(oh wait i like those people) it is an option you have at the table. I don't agree with using it in a shorthanded sit
  8. so...FT is the only site so far i've seen do this...do you think Stars would if it was against all the rules?? if the guy in the middle folds you have to consider....the guy in the first postion has:-nothing-a draw-a monster hand that he's slowplayingfunny how the only thing you learned was that the guy in the middle had crap....the first postion guy gets that info too, unless he's blind and deaf and nobody pokes him to tell him what happened
  9. this thread is driving me up a wall.....First off, when it's your turn to act...in any postion your options are CHECK(if not bet), BET(or raise if you will), CALL(if there is a bet), OR FOLD. It's like 1st grade poker knowledge here. I don't care if it's discourteous, its an option. It really does give no more information as to the strength of the guy who checked first's hand (he checked) and doesn't say anything to the last guy except for "hey, that guy has shite) the person who is last to act has an advantage anyway, in that he is last to act. It is NOT in any way acting out of turn and
  10. how do you play poker online??? Doesn't it say in the rules, you have to be the age of majority in your jurisdiction?not that i care..just wondering is all...
  11. wow lucky you...i didn't go this year (so sad ) i just need a couple weeks notice so i can book the day of and day after off....
  12. i tilt right after this happens to me...lol
  13. you have to try to talk to him....but chances are u are just going to be the A-hole and he knows everything.....try to be as gentle to his ego as possible, maybe even boost it a little in some other regard (not poker) and he might listen to you. if not go straight to the wife, anyway you have to...and take it from a wife's perspective...it won't happen anymore
  14. wow, maybe we should do a fcp night at cw...i say cw b/c (please don't laugh) i get lost before i hit customs....if anyone is in..let me know
  15. i think you got the facts a little misunderstood.....the OP was saying it was his turn to act...not he folded his cards before his turn. I think if you want to fold on your turn that is within you options. the only information it provides is that your hand sucks and you don't want to wait around for someone to bet. I can't tell you how many times online, my bb is something ridiculously stupid and the flop comes all huge cards..i just hit the fold button right away. that way i can get up, go pee or check on another table without the bother of having to fold later. It doesn't really give of
  16. As far as the reporting goes.....i don't really care to do it myself. don't get me wrong, i don't think it's right for people to use racial slurs or anything at the table, but as far as swearing goes, who really gives a fck.....I have the same problem with the major poker tourneys making swearing a penalty.....come on now this isn't the kiddie tables.With that said...similar story...i was at my B&M one morning and sitting at a table chatting with someone i knew (typical how's life yadda yadda) Middle of my conversation i use the F-bomb as an adjective, nothing derogatory, just my normal
  17. welcome elk....gl gt alex...tough beat to takei think i'm starting to get tired....not sure tho..maybe bedtime soon..gl all
  18. i jumped into the 11pm 2.20 too.....but if everyone wants to jump into another 4.40..i'm in
  19. Sry had to edit same post numerous times...lol
  20. wow it sent a few times i think...sry all
  21. im there too.....hopefully we can get a fewmaybe even a couple for next one....if i win one i'll do a few steaks, but right now i can't even afford to offer hotdogs...
  22. i'm back and up for some more....ANYBODY out there?????
  23. i think you always have to take one step back to take 2 steps forward....i find the same thing when i play pool....learning something new causes your game to go down a little until its fully incorporated, then it goes up one step higher than you originally started.
  24. out of that one...in the next one tried to make a move and got caught....oopsfigured playing 17% hands would give me that tight table image...apparently NOT
  25. just let me know when and where....i'm in a tourney kinda mood today.....maybe there will be a bunch more by then
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