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Everything posted by rivergirl

  1. i don't know if anybody mentioned this, i kind of only skimmed responses. Depending on the number of people you are trotting around vegas with...limos are much cheaper than cabs. Any taxi i've ever taken there can hold a maximum of 4 people. If you are travelling with 5 or more (which we usually do) a limo will take you anywhere for like 25 bucks. Much better than 2 cabs at 15 each. Not to mention it's kind of cool to go everywhere in a limo. That price may have changed but it was the same when i got married there (2003) and last year when we went down. Even if it's 5-10 dollars more no
  2. I don't need a stake, but congrats on the win!!!
  3. forgot about x22, grosses me out the way he moves his tongue when he's sitting there. I really like tj, i just always have same goes with dan harrington, they just seem like real gents
  4. friday and saturday nights are out of the question for a private table...but we can try the transfer to method, or maybe a sunday night...
  5. if everyone is in, let's pick a date...since i can get us a private table, i'm hoping maybe they let us pick our dealer staff toooo....that would be awesome. Also, i'm willing to price rooms, maybe find somewhere for dinner to meet up etc...Maybe i can even talk my hubby into coming, probably not, he gets bored after the first 6 hours but maybe...... Let me know
  6. sent....let me know where, i'll rail for a few mins....gl....make us millions lol
  7. well fwp, if you promise to try really hard, i got one steakie for ya for a 4.40, i can't stay up all night....same deal 50/50 no stakeback...you in? I am going to bed soon tho....so you gotta let me know..
  8. why does that not surprise me??? not even that its u, i tried to make a couple but no money on ft so they wouldn't let me chat
  9. i personally hate the fact that my local casino is a tip sharing thing...i'm pretty sure, its pooled throughout the casino too and not just the pokerroom. i tip every time i win a hand when the dealer is actually personable...too bad some of them are much better than others. I usually tip a buck or two each pot, if it's a really good dealer (meaning i'm having fun) and a really big pot, i might throw 5 out there. Just my opinion tho.by the way, i try to express my disgust at the way some dealers treat their tipping patrons, so that the good ones know why the tip pool is shy.....
  10. i can't believe nobody said..jennifer tillywait, you're all men aren't you, fair enoughbut if she didn't forget to wear half her shirt at every table, you'd all be screaming superdonk tooops...i can't believe i forgot annie duke
  11. wow, i haven't been in a year or so, so the prices/specials might have changed, but here goes a few...binions late night steak dinner...great meal for the price..i think it was only 5-6 bucks. If you go down to the riv, they have a late night special too, it's like ham steak and eggs for 3.99, i think if you do the big slot pull promo on the way in, it's cheaper. if you're going site seeing, you have to do freemont, but go at night, the light show is actually pretty cool. Don't buy the footlong margaritas/daquries anywhere on the strip, unless you go to slotsofun, (just before circus circus
  12. in....now just have to wait for the pizza to get here
  13. i got in one already, but i can multitable as long as it's soon
  14. as much as i dislike tony g, i really enjoy watching him play as long as matusow is at the table. I pretty much dislike them both, but like the entertainment factor that they provide
  15. i dont' know if it was obv collusion, but if it walks like a duck.....with that being said, maybe she's just really smart and made what should be a great laydown preflop. If this was a lower stakes game (1/2, 2/5 nl) that is usually a donkfest anyway, i can't see too many people be willing to part with such a big pp p/f.
  16. if there is a drunk idiot in the middle, wouldn't it be better to have a 2 on 1 situation.....both with pretty strong starting hands.i've only played poker with hubby (in a casino) a couple of times, and we never ever treated each other any differently than we did anyone else at the table. If he was in the hand and i had a monster, i played my hand exactly the same way i would had he not been there and vise versa. Even if we got hu..it's bragging rights, the money is all going in the same pocket (mine) anyway so it doesn't really pay to soft play him.
  17. well JJ killed me in another 440, once again all in with a 10104 flop only to find villian has 44....must be my computer subliminally telling me to go to bed...gnight all...gl
  18. i got it shoved with jj on an 8 high flop against kk...still hanging tho...but by a thread
  19. if you need me to i can look up relatively close hotels and prices and stuff...let me know
  20. talked me into it....IN
  21. i keep thinking i want to...but the little voice in my head says "you have to work at 8am"....i really need pills to shut those voices off.....
  22. i want to be the first to say WTG sandwedge way to TID!!!!
  23. i'm pretty sure they would...i know they did a private table for a bachelor party once, those guys were a pain in the *** too, drunk and stupid the whole way (i was annoyed only because those fish weren't at my table). I don't. know how they do that now that they've opened the room up but give me a minute, i will call and checkOK spoke to them...if we can do it on a weekday, they will run a game for us..whatever we like, we just have to call with some notice...weekends are definatley out of the question tho. This actually works well for me on say a Monday or Sunday night. once we get soemth
  24. we play BCA so there is no matchups like in APA, you play everyone once and in a rotation..so there is no way to do that.....I didn't have time to find a replacement and there are team point penalties if you are longer than 45 minutes late, couldn't do that to my team (we're in 1st in a close race)
  25. i play mostly 8ball...we're all barboxes down here really. Ya it was league night, as is every other night of the week.....but i love playing so it's ok. I just didn't play very well tonight, it happens (tooooo often) I do enjoy 9-ball tho, i find it's a little easier of a game..(just not as much thinking about shot selection) We don't have a snooker place anymore, the last one closed when the city went non-smoking, but once in a while we'd go down there and play a little too. Let's say tho, i'm 5'3" at best and find it awkward to reach that far.
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