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Everything posted by AndrewBlack

  1. he stated on the "daniels blog" forum that he writes most of them down in a piece of paperThat explains alot.If they didn't whynot just sit at the table and call out everysingle board as one of your props. Since you can "sleep" one of your props, you should be able to "steal" others'. Like whoever CALLS it or slams there hand down on the board(id like to see this at th wynn)...... geez this is starting to remind me of a seinfeld episode.
  2. Anyone care to explain a little further???? If not I have a few things I can add to this topic.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow. Everyone should have watched last nights wptour, it was really very........bizarre.Phil Helmuth dropped his _____________________________________pulled his head up __________ table,_______wiping ____________________ face!
  3. I wish I woulda takin the bet from that KNOW IT ALL offering 3/2 that it was benyamine vs field. Not that he woulda paid up anyways.
  4. There's such a fine line between things I should laugh at and things that make me cry.
  5. I doubt it. I have yet to meet a poker player that dosen't have a huge ego. "Yea Daniel make a poll on your forum and let everyone call me an idiot donkey etc."It's prolly more along the lines of Daniel dealing a crowbar to someone's groin.
  6. Well thank you for explaining to us why you think its him. I mean if your friend crushed him in a 200-400 game DAMN!!!!! IT MUST BE HIM!!!!
  7. I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves it, but I mean this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. I order coffee I want it filled six times. Jesus Christ, these ladies aren't starving to death - they make minimum wage.
  8. right click your desktop properties settings and change your resolution to something other than 800x600(slide the bar to the right not the left)
  9. I don't like to bitch about software, but absolute needs ALOT of work.Good luck!
  10. you're wrong. The worst beat in the history of human existance was put on the astros last night.
  11. Did you see the Cheverlet play of the game?Ill give you a hint. They showed it at the beggining of the ninth inning.
  12. I was dissapointed, I was wanting the glass to shatter.
  13. Not sure but ya better have a video card with tv out, and the appropriate cables. GOOD LUCK.
  14. AndrewBlack


    how is this off-topic?
  15. AndrewBlack


    actually I did......BUT sam adams still isnt brilliant
  16. AndrewBlack


    Yea if you actually read it you'll prolly laugh and think MAN this guy must have really destroyed his family with online poker.
  17. AndrewBlack


    I read it on the internet, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!http://www.harnesslink.com/www/Article.cgi...0095://http://www.harnesslink.com/www/Arti...t="_blank">
  18. suck it spade u dont even know how to spell sence of humur.
  19. Farha had alot of chips, and daniel had very few, he obviously didn't wanna get knocked out on a stonecold bluff, very understandable.and farha could have a 5 8's.
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