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Everything posted by AndrewBlack

  1. I agree, the plays did seem a tad on the weak side.tough break though man, I know how it feels to not wanna get to many chips in in marginal situations, especially in deep mtt's. That's why so much luck is involved with winning one.
  2. The maniac in black most go.... I own you webbaAR.
  3. I multitable O8 but its usually just 2-3 tables.
  4. customize one on dell, they probably have the best deals right now although I don't know tooooooo much on laptop pricing. You CAN getaway with a generic video card although its really not suggested. You can go middle of the road with proccessor 1.6 ghz would be sufficient with 512- 1GB ram. If you can afford it deffinently get a graphics card that supports 1200X1600 like someone has already stated, and even a widescreen monitor. The rest is up too you (software bundle) Battery life (centrion, although these proccessor are a crock in my opinon, not really worth the money unless you REALLY need
  5. Panella86: lolololPanella86: barry and greg talking girlsDealer: Game #2611476611: Panella86 wins pot (159000)Panella86: whats nextlol
  6. Panella is an obnoxious little prick. But he is pretty funny, haha.
  7. Hey. little girl , Do you want to know a seccaaa ret?????
  8. all of group x's flash videos are goodI also suggest Schfifty Five.you will luagh there as well, or Bang Bang Bang.
  9. The end of the world.Google search group x mc hammer. That will make you luagh as well (by the same group)
  10. Barry "Maybe he made a really good read on you, from the way you were talking"Greg " Well when he called he flipped over AQ"That was really really really funny for some reason.
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA eat your words BARRY you MORON.
  12. Im up aren't I so no sleep at night NO SIR NO MORE NO.
  13. Yea but Extra 50 K or extra couple hours sleep before a MUCH bigger (Prestige level) event... ?? Considering we don't even know who PICKLED EGG is!50k is prolly what 5 buyins to that prestigous event???? Im sure whoever it is can sleep at the table.Publicity is more important to DN (or any big tourny player) at this point though. A win in the WCOOP means nothing compared to a chance at a 10K buyin tourny at the Borg. Agreed?I guess.Im so tired I dont even know what you just said but right.
  14. Yea but Extra 50 K or extra couple hours sleep before a MUCH bigger (Prestige level) event... ?? Considering we don't even know who PICKLED EGG is!50k is prolly what 5 buyins to that prestigous event???? Im sure whoever it is can sleep at the table.
  15. actually it is a good deal= / didn't look very good to me, looked very messy.
  16. 50k is alot of money, even to a millionaire.Don't you remember his blog entries where he was playing pool for just a few hundred dollars but still felt the need to write about it? *shrugI hope it's him but who knows, he could deffinently use a big cash with how he's been running.Another point, he probably wouldn't make a big deal out of that muich money if it wasn't such a large percentage of the prize pool, and he wasnt getting screwed on the deal (nobody actually got a very good deal with that structure)ugh its late.
  17. Yea he's bugging me too..... How much mony we talking?
  18. lol there was anoda fcp guy at table, I wish I woulda known that I mighta taken my clothes off or sumshit.
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