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About Satan

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Location
    Hell's Broccoli Patch (Party Poker)
  1. Shut up.I've obviously rigged this in Hanguk's favor.I have yellow fever as well.
  2. No, Michael Jackson is not invited. He's too busy scrubbing my toilet.
  3. Yes. I'll bring the pork rinds. Jesus has the booze. Hope he brings some of that wine again.
  4. Do any of you ever feel underappreciated?I mean, without me, there could be no good in the world. So isn't it good to be evil sometimes?
  5. Ignore this poser. Sell your soul to ME and you will runner runner your next 50,000 hands!
  6. Satan


    Jesus laughed too, so you're in good company.
  7. Satan


    I'll be paying the thieves a visit shortly.
  8. You suck at being God.I'm winning.
  9. He's not the devil......he's my brother.
  10. Satan


    i like stuff that burns.
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