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Everything posted by mase_gotsem

  1. slap chopped ( H ) guy with gold chain
  2. says you got it , send to slap chopped (H) guido looking white guy lemme know once again ty
  3. sent now lemme know when u get it . ill post who to send too when confirmed ty
  4. if any one is able to send 135 on ftp to my stake ill send it on stars just lemme know pls, only send first to respected ppz
  5. been having alot of browser issues latley with my pages not responding and then lagging my laptop until they all close, also seems to be alot hotter than it usually was, going on 10 months old. anythoughts ?thinking about buying the windows7 but was wondering how many times can i use the cd on diff comps and how does it install do i have to wipe out my harddrive first or does it do it for me ?
  6. glad to see your doing better hope that your out in time to chug some guiness while watching the yanks win another championship.
  7. did he win any more mexicans ?? a few more he can open a gardening service
  8. i think they were playing for mexicans can el guapo confirm ?
  9. cranberrys are 25k chips yes but maybe he calls 25k a bean im guessing 100k tho not sure
  10. omfg too funny well donebeans would be proud im sure ..
  11. sweet congrats guys no chop ?? hehe keep up the big scores both of you
  12. blah awful news fight off that flu like the true soldier you are thoughts and prayers are with ya bro
  13. jus cought the end what a cooler odds that berry taps that ?
  14. i can use the tilt feature altho im fine with a mouse for now
  15. cmon phil gordon should get this spot and it not even close. make it happen
  16. you giys drink the warm sake or just room temp ?? only went sake'ing once and 12 bottles later from what i remember was a BLASSTgo blog i need something to read on the can later
  17. brings back memories of my rottwieller <sp> 6 or 7 yrs ago .. she started puking alot and it was foamy and greenish and id always yell at her and give her a kick or 2 into her kennel thinking she was getting into something she wasnt suppose to, until one day she looked so weak and cld barley walk we took her in and she had some kind of cancer and was put down i cried like a baby that night and feel bad about getting so angry at her time n time again when she would throw up :(i know what your going thru and its the tuffest part of owning a pet gl
  18. 2 4 1 3 5edit oops this was suppose to be my mj joke acount
  19. shows cool what tab is the freeroll under ?this show is def gonna be a hit with average poker enthusiasts i rather enjoyed tbh
  20. kudos too daniel for not holding back as usual agreed with it all.
  21. great news cant wait to here wtf it was he cought
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