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Everything posted by KappaKid83

  1. Speaking of Hot Pockets...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KmkAZCevgwIts quite hilarious...Jeff
  2. Ok so Ill be the one to post something serious. I eat lots of salads and pastas and what not, so at night when I am taking a break for a few hours I make lots of food and stick them in tupperware in portions. Its easy and fast and also works good for dietary purposes. Jeff
  3. Im pretty sure Ace high was a winner on the river after donkey bet into dry sidepot???? But if we are looking for quotes, its entirely too early for me to think of anything good.Jeff
  4. Oh Mike you took my post you Mfer, but I was going to say the same thing. Average age in that game is proly 50 and the level of play is a 3 at best.Jeff
  5. You can always make an argument for Ozzy and right now SBRugby is crushing the highstakes NL and PLO games on FTP. Dags is a better limit player by far, but the other games, I am not sure who to give the edge to.Jeff
  6. I give no Chicago Sports Fan any credit at all because they are the biggest band wagon jumpers of all time. I live in Milwaukee and get to listen to their Sports Radio and good god is it both comical and putrid. On good weeks their teams are the greatest ever and on bad weeks the head coaches should be fired and the whole front office overhauled. So BOOOOO to you Chicago sports fans(Hoosier!!!), LOL!!!Jeff
  7. Is it a skin of Poker Host or do they just look that similar???Jeff
  8. Interesting sig OP, but welcome!!!Jeff
  9. Not in, just got up, blah me. I was going to play but no, I may play the 350 on FTP but who knows, I am still drunk I think.Jeff
  10. This is going to sound scary RAB but for some reason I had a guy in my dream who had a hockey jersey with the name on the back as "MyPlayIsRAB". I woke up going WTF was that all about!!! Random I know, but figured Id fill ya in, lolz.Jeff
  11. It was Rwood and my god was that story insane.Jeff
  12. Thanks MJ, I needed that today, running gooooooooooooooot.Jeff
  13. So I have heard that he is the ultimate tilter, but I have never witnessed it first hand. He just got done spewing 7 buyins to Shadowclowns in no more than 30 minutes playing 50/100. Its actually kind of funny to watch.JeffP.S. I know I havent started a new thread in a while and this one is kind of gay, but I am bored so bear with me.
  14. From what I understand the new Mac OSx that comes with the new computers runs windows programs, not sure which ones or if they include poker, but yah thats all I have heard. And BTW, dont buy a MAC to play poker, NOT FUNCTIONAL!!!Jeff
  15. I once pulled this move 3/5 hands on Pacific when I first started playing Limit. It was hilarious, same guy all 3 times. I was surprised as to how bad the limit play was there, but that was funny.Jeff
  16. I was wondering what the thoughts were on applying M to satellite play, both Turbo and not, where there is a set amount of spots that are paid the same prize. I did not see any other topics on the subject, although I didnt look very hard. Thanks For The InsightJeff
  17. FCK USC, go ND, crush the dreams of all those west coast posers, lolz.JEFF
  18. Id like to rehash the idea of one uniform WPT strucutre. I think they should indeed come to some kind of agreement, and maybe even come with a player panel to discuss it. I know the whole lawsuit thing and what not, but I think a player panel and this uniform structure would indeed make a lot of the players happier and maybe play more of the events, if they arent already.Jeff
  19. I think you missed a Zero, lol. Potowatomi some time next week??? Let me know.Jeff
  20. Once again another link post from Dane. You post nothing but links, do you ever really add any content to a thread. This seems random and all, but it gets old after a while, like I said before.Jeff
  21. North End of the Strip is OLD Las Vegas. Not much going on down there IMO, but I am 23 and like a lot of stuff in close proximity that isnt out dated and lame. The only thing about the Sahara is the nightly tourney with rebuy. Full of donks and not bad prize pool. Only drawbacks is it is at the Sahara and the structure is putrid after the 1st hour.Jeff
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