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Everything posted by Mezzo

  1. I don't post much so you probably haven't seen mine.<-------------------
  2. Report from PartyPoker.com support staff:Real Money games status:We have scheduled maintenance, real game servers will be unavailable between 10:00 & 13:00 ET. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  3. I love that guy with A K calling 2 bets on the flop (twice) thinking "If I hit an A or K, this pots mine!"
  4. Rab,Here's the answers to your questions: Highlight column F&G and change the font color to green. You already changed the currency format to show negative numbers as red, so any positive number will be now be green paste the following formula into cell F2 then fill down: =IF(D2>0, E2-D2, " ")explanation: if cell D2 has a number greater than 0 (D2>0) then the cell F2 will add the numbers (E2-D2), if not it will enter a blank (" ")paste the following formula into cell G3 then fill down:=IF(F3=" ", " ", G2+F3)explanation: if cell F3 blank (F3=" ") then the cell G3 will be blank (" ")
  5. You can get if off the poker bay.http://www.thepokerbay.org/details.php?id=236
  6. Me too. I just sat down, posted my blind, then bam. Internet delays.It's my first loosing session in a week. Variance is a B*tch. (sw)
  7. Thats what I remember and yes I have friends. They think Contra is totally radical too!From WikipediaThe Konami Code (also known as the Konami Command and the Contra Code) is a cheat code that can be used in many Konami video games, usually enabling some sort of secret option. The code was first used in the 1986 release of Gradius for the Nintendo Entertainment System. During the game, the player presses the following sequence of buttons on the game controller:This is the original version of the code, designed for the NES controller. In common usage, many players will include Start at the end
  8. Macho Man can't even spell poker !
  9. We play canadian hold'em with additional hands like 4 card straights and flushes.JK.....FMP That took me forever to write. I knew i'd ***k up something.
  10. Home Game Tourney 7 hands inHand #8 Blinds 25/50Mezzo is UTG+1 w/ A A Pre Flop 1 fold , Mezzo raises to 150 , 6 folds , SB re-raises to 250, BB calls, Mezzo re-raises to 600, SB re-raises to 1000, BB calls, Mezzo re-raises to 1800 (All-in), SB calls for 1800, BB calls for 1700(All in)Flop/Turn/River 10 9 A / 4 / 8 Mezzo shows AA for trip A'sSB shows KK for pair of K'sBB shows Q J suited for Q high straightHand #9 Blinds 25/50Mezzo is UTG w/ K K Pre Flop Mezzo raises to 200 (All in), UTG+1 reraises to 500, 8 folds Flop/Turn/River A 2 9 J 6 Mezzo shows KK for pair of K'sUT
  11. Wow, my brain is on overload I know you said you didn't want to start too many threads, but it would be better for everyone if you did. Besides, its only 10. (see kent2233's 16 threads) You will get more replies that way and we can discuss each hand without getting our messages crossed.
  12. I'm raising that flop.With 2 spades and a straight possibility out there, I want to charge draws the max. Plus you may get weak A's and K's to fold.
  13. Mezzo


    I was thinking bet/call would be a better option here. I don't think I can fold to a single raise on the river with a pot of 15.25 BB.
  14. BB is TAP 9.5/9.5/1.3 (42 hands)Party Poker 0.50/1 Hold'em (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is MP3 with Q, Q. UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, 1 fold, MP2 calls, Hero raises, 3 folds, BB 3-bets, UTG calls, UTG+1 folds, MP2 calls, Hero caps, BB calls, UTG calls, MP2 calls.Flop: (17.50 SB) 2, 6, K(4 players)BB checks, UTG checks, MP2 checks, Hero bets, BB calls, UTG folds, MP2 calls.Turn: (10.25 BB) 8(3 players)BB checks, MP2 checks, Hero bets, BB calls, MP2 folds.River: (12.25 BB) 3(2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.Final Pot: 12.25 BBP
  15. Can someone tell me what these stats are? I am just learning to use Poker Office and I want to know what the best stats are for table overlay. I also want to start adding them to my posted hands.
  16. I've wanted to post a couple of hands, but the converter at flopturnriver.com hasn't been working for me the last couple of days and I'm too lazy to convert it myself.I've recently installed poker office and loaded around 5000 hands. I've lost the most money with KQo, so when the converter starts working again, I'm going to post a couple of hands. Hopefully I'll get some help with this hand.
  17. Good luck with that! I'll look for you in the next edition of the book.BTW, are you going to stop at 73 hours or try go for longer!
  18. Party Poker 0.50/1 Hold'em (10 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is CO with J, K. 1 fold, UTG+1 raises, 3 folds, MP3 calls, Hero calls, 3 folds.Flop: (7.50 SB) J, K, Q(3 players)UTG+1 bets, MP3 folds, Hero raises, UTG+1 calls.Turn: (5.75 BB) 8(2 players)UTG+1 checks, Hero bets, UTG+1 raises, Hero calls.River: (9.75 BB) 3(2 players)UTG+1 bets, Hero calls.Final Pot: 11.75 BBPrior to this hand, the table was playing pretty loose.Did I back off too early or should I have 3 bet the turn?
  19. "What does the E-book contain? The TOP 72 starting hands in Texas Hold"em. How to always avoid “bad beats,” and never lose to lucky cards again...etc.etc." That alone is worth the $39.95 pricetag!
  20. Michelle is just her screen name. Her real name is Gavin Griffin!
  21. How many kings are in this deck?
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