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Everything posted by biglickpoker

  1. just heard an announcer say..." runner runner nuthins funner" .... a yes.. memories
  2. "I don't even know why i play with you.... you're the luckiest s.o.b. ever!!!!"---me last night when my so called friend sucked out 4 gut shot draws ...all on river .. all on All in's...WTF!!!!!
  3. start singing kenny rogers "you gotta know when to hold em ..."right after someone says "if i fold will you show?"
  4. "that's not a hand .. now THATS a hand" .. with an Aussie accent"I never saw a poker player’s money that I did not like."
  5. a few quotes.."The next best thing to gambling and winning is gambling and losing"-- Nick "The Greek" Dandalos"Forget about a chip and a chair; give me a hand and I’ll stand."-- Warren Karp"A person should gamble every day, because think of how bad it would be to walk around being lucky and not know it."-- Robert Turner
  6. few good ones so far.... keep 'em coming..."i smell weakness"
  7. Hey all... what are some of your favorite poker slogans, sayings, phrases, one-liners??? funny? attitude? witty?e.g. "dead money", "girls love it when i go all in"....thx
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