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About LiquidAsian

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. I had a slightly similar hand...$2/5 NL 6 handed liveI'm in the sb and call a raise to $15 with 6 9 diamonds( I was also chip leader at that time with about $800) and my friend calls in the bb. Flop is 7 d 8 d 4...I bet $20 into a $60 pot and get called by my friend and the rest of the table folds. Turn is the 10 d giving me the straight flush and my friend was borrowing about $700 from me at that time...and obviously since he's a friend I don't want to rob him...so I check. But then he bets $5...which is his signal that he has a "monster." So what can I do? I just call, and bet out $100 o
  2. I've been called down to the river on Jack high before...no draws whatsoever...On the other hand I've called someone down with A high (AJ), which was good btw, playing heads up LH...this hand happened a while ago...but sniffing out that bluff won me a $1000 pot the game was $75/$150 btwOh and this is my first official post on this forum, but I've been lurking on fcp for a long time now.
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