so depressing when it happens. i do it ALL the time. for lucky twice, playing 1/2, i jumped to 5/10 buying in for 200 the first time, pick up AA, go all in after a $30 raise, getta call, BANG double up, i leave. 2nd time buy in for $100, pick up 77 on BB, all in, getta call, like 3 or 4 pictures on the board [****] but i win, BANG double up, i leave,another day i go for 25/50 FLHE HU, big mistake.oh ya, another was playing 3/6 with a $250 BR, a shared BR, 1st hand KJ, button limps, flop is KJT, he of course has Q9. It was hard explaining how i blew $180 playing $10 SNGs!