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About alanstats

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Groupie
  • Birthday 03/03/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gainesville, FL
  • Interests
    Sports, backpacking, politics
  1. 148k at 3rd break (robbie redbi). First pok-herring in months.
  2. I have a game that runs .50/1 dollar nl blinds and 1/2 nl blinds. People buy in for 40-60 usually. Average play, all uf students, very friendly and safe. PM me or call/text 561-346-6405 for info. Regards,alanstats
  3. Tim Im looking for a stake in this. Wanna play, but no money on stars until next week.My name is robbie redbi on stars, I have good stats
  4. Hey all, I am a college student at UF. I am flying one way out to Vegas in about 2 weeks to meet a fraternity brother who has been working out there. We are going to spend 3 days drinking, gambling and golfing in Vegas, and then we are driving back cross country to Florida over the course of a week.Given the partying we are doing in Vegas, we are looking for some alternate, particularly outdoors, activities.We would like to see some natty parks, and do a decent day hike or two. We also just want to see any cool things along the way. We are flexible and can go anywhere in Utah, AZ, NM, Texa
  5. I don't think it was that sick of a call. I don't know what the blinds were or what the raise was preflop, but I have to assume that the pot was offering Gus a decent price. Taking races against shorter stacks to build your own stack is pretty standard for gus and a lot of aggressive "new age" players.As for gmanshade,I lurk alot and occasionally post. When I have time to play poker I usually post hands in strat and discuss. The last few weeks this guy has gotten on my nerve. Everytime I come to fcp I inevitably waste 15 minutes of my time reading a thread started by gmanshade for attenti
  6. Eh, another final table another not first. I think my 3 handed play was lacking
  7. Thanks guys. Ive been getting deep in these and then finishing 2-4th. Hoping not to leave any $ on the table this time.
  8. Thanks guys. I finished 2nd in one of these earlier. I had two chances to win it, each all in with 4 outs and 3 outs to fade and i lost both. Sigh, hopefully I can win this one.
  9. I am chipleader at another one of these 10 180s. Robbie redbi on stars.
  10. Thanks for the rails....I wish I could have talked more but Im in the library reading and playing like 4 tables.
  11. Lost a 3 outer and then a 4 outer. Both times FTW
  12. weee im there as robbie redbi tooooo
  13. Mike (nonotbaxter) is alive and fighting in the 500k gtd on FTP with 38 left.Come support him. He is on the short stack but fighting.
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