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Everything posted by primetime

  1. You don't know what you are doing then.?? because i say online blackjack is rigged i dont know what im doing? explain..i played live
  2. you cant compare online casino to real live blackjack...online blackjack is rigged...
  3. what casino in Vegas uses 8 decks...5 is standard....you know..the thing is..i was always a blackjack player before a poker player...been playing poker for about 6 years now but was playing black jack for over 10......just stay away from the blackjack tables...you might have a good run and win some money but eventually they will take what you won and more..way more.....
  4. it doesnt matter now...im not playing blackjack no more...EVER..thanks though
  5. glad to see im not alone...well im not glad..atleast im not alone...thanks for the parking advice...but dont i have to walk pass NYNY tables too?
  6. so i went to MGM play some 2/5 nl...play about 5 hours and cash out with about 1200...played a few good bluffs, busted a guy with a boat against his nut flush.....feeling preety good....i had about 1280 with me......the walk back to the garage is a long walk in MGM...you have to walk pass like 200 blackjack tables and other table games...so i say to myself..play some money plays blackjack with the 4 20's i have..i bet 40, lose,,i play 40 lose...now im getting pissed..i give the dealer 500 and get a stack of green...one big hand i bet 75, get 3-3 dealer showing 5..so i slit..get a 7 on one so i
  7. i have a few things to say that might help...1. taking a shot is the gamble and if you are willing to do it then going broke once or twice or even three times should not worry you...you can always get more money..2. play in the major casinos...local casinos(sunset,green valley,south coast..etc) are for locals who have nothing else to do(old men)...the big casinos have all the fish3. when i play...i chat with alot of guys who are here to give it a shot...one common thing i hear is...they are all degenerate gamblers..STAY AWAY from the pits...craps, BJ sports betting....its hard for some...but
  8. i have a few things to say that might help...1. taking a shot is the gamble and if you are willing to do it then going broke once or twice or even three times should not worry you...you can always get more money..2. play in the major casinos...local casinos(sunset,green valley,south coast..etc) are for locals who have nothing else to do(old men)...the big casinos have all the fish3. when i play...i chat with alot of guys who are here to give it a shot...one common thing i hear is...they are all degenerate gamblers..STAY AWAY from the pits...craps, BJ sports betting....its hard for some...but
  9. I don't care how good you are and how loose the game is, you gotta catch some cards to do this. B/C donkeys don't lay down once the money is in the pot.Phil Gordon likes poker promotion, money, and vag.Where is Captain Obvious when you need him? Just serious, Jeff. I thought you were a little more subtle than that. And yes, I have read your signature. It turns me on more than a little bit.Who is this guy?Brasky, you've come out of nowhere to become my fourth favorite fcp poster. Move up one more slot and it's a free blowjob from our resident slut (Royal).Hello Matthew. Who are the three abov
  10. i think almost every casino has nice looking waitresses and good eye candy(except for ceasars..for some reason half are old with fake hair..anyway), but what separates HOOTERS is that they will go home with you if given the right porposal... just like that movie with vince vaughn...THAT WAS SO MONEY
  11. i just saw a comercial for HOOTERS casino and who was pimping the poker there? PHIL GORDON......what kind of package did they give him...im sure its not for the money....
  12. dont forget the guy couldnt reach for a first after he caught the ball and they had to punt 4th and inches...that resulted for a TD for pitt...and one more thing..that guy who caught the ball at the endzone but couldnt think to get his other foot inbounds or go inside the TD pylon...but i agree the refs had a big influence on the outcome...
  13. what exactly is that???nevermind....i just figured it out...
  14. how far is the casino....a day trip? overnighter? weekender?gas=20 bucks?food=10 bucks?room=50 bucks?thats 80 dollars....without the room and just gas and food might be 30...leaves you with 120....usually buy in for the 1-2 and 2-4 nl games are 50 to 200, so you are ok with that....there are no 3/6 nl games usally....with 120..you could get into the 1/2 or 2/4 games and still be marginally ok...but one bad beat or a kicker problem would have you limping....but if you double up..you will be fine
  15. Sounds like fun. You're very in tune to the spirit of the game. If you can't have fun, compete, and still show some sportsmanship, maybe human interaction just isn't your thing. Stay indoors.i didnt know there was outdoor poker.....i always play poker indoors(sw)
  16. if you want to play with liquidy sheet all over you pants...be my guest..maybe you were the one that smelled like sheet the other day... water and soap are your friendssorry, i forgot to add that after squeezing out the liquidy one i'd then remove my pants and smear my ass on your shirt. would that be acceptable??i guess you like showing your sheety crusted ass in a room full of men and then rubbing it on one of them....
  17. who is the most famous MEXICAN poker pro? are there any? and hunberto brenes is not mexican...most mexicans play 5card draw or 5 card stud. anyways, i'm a mexican poker pro...well mexican americani thought mexicans play MEXICAN POKER.....no 8,9 or 10 and add a joker-5 card stud..
  18. if you want to play with liquidy sheet all over you pants...be my guest..maybe you were the one that smelled like sheet the other day... water and soap are your friends
  19. maybe he was being a nice guy because mel judah asked him too....and what was up with his outfit and overall look at the HEADS-UP championship last year? looked like a crazy mountain man
  20. who is the most famous MEXICAN poker pro? are there any? and hunberto brenes is not mexican...
  21. I have a couple for ya:[snip]This should cover it. No more sour pusses at the tables!Fair enough, but you seem just as bitter as the OP. I see merits in both your angles. Be respectful at the table, but not overly so. I hate the automatic "ty", "nh" exchange after every hand, regardless of how the hand went down. Not all winning hands are good poker play. I also hate the parting "gg" sendoff. No it wasn't a good game, I lost! These little utterances are so knee-jerk common that it's crossed the line from courteous etiquette to insincere, meaningless blurts.you got it all wrong...im not bitter
  22. Ummmmm, stay on topic. We are talking about live poker :wink: Im just messing with you. Im not bitter, I just cant take it when someone ruins good games for me. Im taking it out on the OP because he is most likely the player that does this. I understand your point about online. The exchanges pretty much are automatic and dont mean much anymore. But I dont have a rpoblem with it. These kinds of things cant bother you or you wont play real well.hellllllllll nooooooo...i would never be THAT guy.....i just play man...if someone wants to chit chat, thats cool...ill make small talk...but i do
  23. 1. after you put a bad beat on me, dont try to shake hands and say sorry.....i dont want to shake your hand that you masturbated with the night before.....2. dont try and explain to me why you called with a bad hand after you sucked out...3. dont sit next to me if you just ate dinner and now are having a few drinks to wash it down...smelling your burps is freaking nastyJUST SIT AND PLAY AND STFU
  24. im not racist but just for thought and curiosity....anyone know why fried chicken and watermelon are refered as black people food...i know alot of mexicans that love watermelons......put some tapatio hot sauce and grub......
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