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About morenowagainFTW

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Yes, the limited edition DVD of Memento allows you to play the film in chronoligcal order as one of its easter eggs.
  2. I'm a newbie, so excuse me if this is a stupid question...but what's Rakeback???
  3. That's my main problem with Virtual PC, it slows the comp down. I'm just happy knowing that I can use my Mac for playing. Macs are so much friendly user, less spyware and viruses to worry about.Yes, that is why I am a staunch Mac supporter and user. Now that I've gone Mac, I'll never go back.
  4. I would something pretty low-limit, because I've never played in a casino or card room before. I'm still pretty new to the game and looking more for practice and fun beyond home games, than trying to earn any significant amount of money. I want the experience of actually dealing with people and chips.Are you looking for limit or nl?I was about to answer this question, but the discussions that followed confused me to as to the way they work. I think I need to investigate more how the games work.
  5. Yeah, I'm not gonna be too picky about it, since I don't have a lot of options as a Mac user.
  6. I would something pretty low-limit, because I've never played in a casino or card room before. I'm still pretty new to the game and looking more for practice and fun beyond home games, than trying to earn any significant amount of money. I want the experience of actually dealing with people and chips.
  7. I suppose I can put up with cartoony, if it is redeeming in other ways. The site I play on now, Live Poker 3-D is cartoony to the point of being annoying, but I still play there...so...
  8. I obviously know you can be walking in your sleep and find poker in Las Vegas...but I thought I had heard there was at least one card room or casino where poker was played in the city of Los Angeles itself. I visit there every once in a while, but I don't live there, so I have no clue where to go. Anyone know of any places and have comments on what they're like???
  9. Being a Mac user...my poker options were and are very, very limited..But now that Full-Tilt Poker is available to Mac users, I'm excited because the site appears to be pretty solid. I downloaded the software last night, but I haven't had a chance to play poker with it yet.Anyone out there used it for the Mac yet or PC users that have any comments they'd like to share about the website, the software, or the gaming--both free and ring games???
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