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Everything posted by NicksDad1970

  1. I can't believe how much Sebastion reminds me of P Hellmuth. Everytime I see him on that show it's like they're twins.
  2. I'm not sure I understand you. I havn't had to add any money to my poker account since I withdrew too much. I'd say overall I've put 1k in the account in a year. I know I've withdrawn near 2k. But right now my FCP account is pretty low. I'm down to about 125$. My internet bill is 30 a month. So keeping the internet and joining a gym would be too much. My wife and I also just had a baby girl she's 5 months old and my wife quit her job. We just built a house and went about 20k over budget havin to build up the foundation. So with all of that my check BARELY covers our bills. Foe me to add anythi
  3. Ok grammar spelling will probably be way off so take it easy on me.I was really into physical fitness off an on like many people for my whole life. But I really got into it about 6 years ago and got in great shape. Then I got a lil burnt out, a promotion at work, married (2 step kids and I had 1 from a previous marriage) etc.So I went from working out like a mad man (5-6 days a week for 3 hours a day) to not doing a damn thing but eat, watch poker, or play poker for the last 2-3 yrs.As I'm sure you could guess over the past 3 years I've lost just a tad of my tone and overall fitness. Meaning I
  4. I must be missing something . What has he done lately?I was just thinking he hasn't done much lately.So this isn't the bash post you might have been expecting. Are you saying all this based on some results out there, from watching him play or what?Then again all I've seen of him lately is him in HSP.
  5. I guess it depends where you play....at The Grand in Tunica they have the show one show all both ways. If you show one person your cards you have to show everyone. Also for some reason they say if you show one card you have to show both. That makes no sense to me.
  6. There are a few DVD players out there that are considered HD that play in close to HD picture. They're called "upconvergence (SP?)" DVD players and they either have a DVI or HDMI input. I have one and it's excellent. I purchased one for 60 bucks including shipping.Since then they've also come out with DVD players that play in true HD and they're like 600 - 1000 bucks. But to get the true HD picture you also have to have a new HD DVD. They're about 2-3x the price of the regular DVD.If you decide you want either one of these type DVD players make sure your TV has either a DVI or a HDMI connectio
  7. Dan Harrington's win in 1995, then a final table in the ME of 2003 and 2004 is pretty strong.
  8. Better than Chuckie Cheese
  9. I think DN is #3, I've been curious who 1 and 2 were.
  10. It doesn't really make a differrence. I just remember the guy took a lot of crap from the online community. He came here and said what he had to say. He seemed really mature and nice.So I was glad to see he won another bracelet. I did a search on his name and saw he had only one post.http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...=15682&st=0
  11. I know Efro has only 1 post on FCP but it's nice to say isn't it?Anyway congrats to Efro for winning another one!
  12. I was always told it was stupid, more stupid, and most stupid.Then I looked it up and it shows stupider and stupidest being proper forums of the word. Could someone set it straight for me please?
  13. Many states now have what they call an "instant check". The gun dealer calls into a designated agency. In Tennessee you call TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigations) with the persons ID and gets an instant approval, denial, or pending.So if you are a law obiding citizen you can get whatcha whatcha want instantly. Same goes for assault rifles (in Tn anyway).That is unless someone is confusing an assault rifle with an fully automatic weapon. If you're speaking of that then you need to apply for a class 3 license. It takes (last I saw) 6 - 8 months to get the background checks for that. BUT you c
  14. You make a very good point. I was just pointing out to some people that the luckbox got the money (well some of it anyway). I agree with you that I wouldn't mind being known as a donk as long as I was the donk with a lot of cash.
  15. I don't know him nor do I know mike the mouth. Id rather be a donkajelic frugal Kanter than a skillful degenerate gambler Mike the mouth.I hear this Kanter fella is tight with his money and a good investor. I've also heard Mikey is broke all the time.Good for himMaybe he is a donk, but a happy one.
  16. I wasn't there (I got knocked out in 10th) but that's usually the way it is..... We all got in the money (and FCP chips) and then try to rebuild stacks.I try to be more aggressive when it gets near the bubble. But there were many times I'd tell myself I was going to raise or go all in then someone does it right before I do.
  17. It could have been a lot worse for me.I did get 10th so I get a chip set...My last hand was basically a coin flip when the chips went in preflop.. I had AK and the other person had 88.I was thinking I had a small chance to win when I got an ace on the flop and another on the turn. Then he caught an 8 on the river to fill up. Oh well it was fun and I made a profit... :)SarahsDad222
  18. Excellent tournament.....Thanks to DNA and FCP for the tourney and the chip set. Thank goodness they gave it to the top 10 instead of the top 9
  19. Well once again I pmd Custom saying if this thread wasn't ok I wouldn't make another one. If you don't like my threads don't Fn read em.Believe it or not some people like to see good deals. Some people go out of there way to be jerks. Does it come natural to you?
  20. Ya you may be right.But Custom and I had a long conversation about this and unless I misunderstood him he said as long as I presented it the right way it SHOULD be ok.Bottom line is if a mod looks at this and says it isn't allowed then I will stop doing it in a heart beat.
  21. This isn't spam so if a mod reads this I beg you to see that I'm not trying to profit off anything. I just found a sweet deal at BestBuy and there seem to be some people here that would like something like this.It's a Westinghouse 37" LCD W/HDMI for 1199.00. If you're a reward zone member you will also get about 40$ in reward zone certificats. I own the 1st generation one with the DVI. This TV is sweeeeeet IMHO.Anyway here's the link :http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1140394400806P.S. - If a mod considers this spam and deletes it I would appreciate it if that mod would also PM me
  22. I think only time will tell. If the question is who's the best ot hottest player right now. It would be hard to argue against the grinder. I would think it would be over a long period of time before it would be easier to decide who the best was. So to say someone has no clue what they're talking about just because they don't pick the person that's the hottest right now is a bit overboard wouldn't you say?Look at Daniel's year in 04'. What year was it that Lindgren was tearing it up. How about Cunningham's 05 WSOP?Kinda like when someone asks you what your favorite movie is...Usually people say
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