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Everything posted by NicksDad1970

  1. Well I've heard a lot about Ivey and craps over the past year. I don't know why it should matter to me but I've been real scared for Ivey that he'd end up like some other people that have gone to crap playing craps.
  2. Keep reading...near the bottom someone swears Ivey is broke.
  3. I think Greg is a very good player. The year he won was his 3rd year playing in the WSOP ME. I think he's a great ambassador for poker. I've also thought Greg was a very kind person, at least he was to me. But if he's a better poker player than DN he's got a long way to go to prove it. If winning the ME was the only thing he had done then it would be easy to say he's a one hit wonder. But he's done great in other tourneys as well. He just hasn't been playing "in the light" as long as Daniel.I like the other poster who said if you came here saying Chip was better than there would be a much bett
  4. I like Rob S and am glad to see him stand up for what he believes in but I hardly think he'd be a major influence to ruin Melly.
  5. I read your post and none of the responses. So if this has been brought up please disregard.Someone could also write a check from your checking account at your same address. So I don't know how the bank could say because it was your IP then you're responsible.IMHO, this is the same as someone stealing your checkbook and writing checks all over town. So what you should be able to do is go to your bank and sign affidavidts of forgery. Then they should replace the money in your account and then THEY go after your 13 y/o cousin.Also call the police and file some report.
  6. Air Force officer.... pick something in a general field where you can go anywhere. I lived in Italy for 6 months, Cali for 6 months, Hawaii for 3 years, Az for 2 years etc. i went to Korea, Japan, Australia and several other places and had so much fun.But if all you want to do is play poker then you might want to apply to work at FCP or stick with fast foods.
  7. That's funny.All the drivers for the company I work for are union. Well 95% of them pay their dues. Almost every day I have one or another calling me to tell on one of their "brothers".I have no problems with unions in general as long as their run correctly. I once had an employee call up and say he wasn't coming in to work that day because he was taking his child to the Dr. He was told to bring a dr's excuse. He said he would. Two days later when he reported he was asked for the note. He said he didn't have one and was never asked to bring one.So during the grievance meeting he was asked abou
  8. I would say if the company you work for is giving you the high hard one with a smile then lean towards a union. otherwise I'd leave em alone.
  9. If DN is in the drivers seat it's because he's chaufferring Dmitri Nobles around.jk, I know what you mean.
  10. Pretty sure he has a WSOP bracelet.17-May-02 $ 2,000 1/2 Hold'em - 1/2 7 Card Stud33rd World Series of Poker (WSOP) 2002, Las Vegas 1st for 100k+
  11. I saw Dan H most recently on the PPT when everyone was giving him loads of crap for calling the clock on someone very fast.
  12. 14Ted Lawson was the one at the FT in an 2004 Omaha WSOp event. I'm PRETTY sure he knocked out Lederer. DN was also at that FT, with Watkinson and Deeb.I would also guess the majority of us know who David Chiu is....He's got like 4 bracelets and was at the FT in 04' with Ellix Powers. Kind of a happy go lucky fella. I'm pretty sure I've seen him at a WPT FT as well.He was the one that called a big bet thinking he had a str8 when he only had 4 to a str8.I think I know about 14 of em. I'm assuming Jason Strasses is really Jason Strasser.
  13. Well I didn't want to get specific in case I did hear correctly and a lot of people didn't know about it yet. I used to read DN's blog and must have read it there as well.
  14. NicksDad1970


    I start out with coffee (Folgers)at about 6 am... I keep it going in my office until about 11 am. Then I break out the sugar free Red Bull. I've started to drink sugar free adrenaline rush as well.Sometimes on a weekend I'll get the grande non fat sugar free vanilla latte from the evil tyrants (Starbucks).When I used to work out I'd get my go juice from Ephedra so my heart will probably exploe in a few years.
  15. I don't want to give anything away(to people that don't want to know) if what I heard was true. But on 2+2 someone mentioned a hand between DN and Gus that was pretty crazy. Like one turned a FH and it gave the other quads. Does anyone know anything about it? I didn't know if it was someone just making crap up. I can be pretty gullible.
  16. I got Joe Theisman's autograph and he was ok about it. (like 10 years agoA friend said when he was getting Theismans auto Theis said "I noemally charge for signing a football"I would have told him to stick that football up his arse.
  17. Dude take it easy........ No I don't see why my whole thread is stupid. I do see how you're trying to act like Smash from a year or so ago.Honestly though good point about folding back to him on his BB's. But maybe my mindset was I'd do whatever I could to make him/her lose as little as possible while they were having problems.Second of all if you were as thourough as Smash was then you'd see I stated I had roadrunner which has been very reliable. You would have also see that I had a new dual core laptop. Now do you see why you come across as a POS? They don't but when I play in a poker tourne
  18. Well I guess I'll have to read and reread what I said to figure it all out. Or get someone to read it to me and explain it to me.In the times people lost conn on me I'd slow play it. Then I lost conn last night for the first time and really pissed me off when I came back and saw I was almost broke. (BTW I did come back and beat this guy :)I was just plain furious. So as soon as it happened I kne wI was going to post about it because I was really curious what people on FCP would think. I was surprised to see people say they steal. For the most part I'm the kind of person who can be swayed after
  19. Well if enough people answered the other way with soound reasoning I would have to reconsider. But just like I said in my next post about it I didn't think there was anything anyone could say to change my mind. But I guess I did it just for discussion. That's another reason I started this thread. I guess I would have to reconsider if a lager % of others stole. Then it would be exactly like you say.
  20. Well I have Time Warner internet and a new dual core lappy. So it's not the equip IMHO. It rarely goes down. But these things will never be perfect.I guess I just look at it differently than most here. I mean if a guy is tilting I'm not going to take a break to give him a chance to cool down. But your internet going out for a couple minutes is something that, for the most part, is totally out of your control. I don't think there's anything that could get me to change my tune about this. Anyway to each is own I think it's pretty shi**y to do.If it's all out war then I'll hire my buddy Guido the
  21. I've played about 50-75 heads up SNG's and this has happened to me several times. (Mostly it's the other person losing conn)If I'm playing and the person I'm playing loses connection I slow play. I don't raise their blinds and check to the river. Then I bet, which I think is fair enough. Obviously when it's their SB they instafold. So each orbit lasts about 2 minutes.Last night I was on FCP playing a guy named Auction John and I lost connection for about 3 minutes. When I lost conn I had about 1600 vs 1400 chips. I came back literally like 3 minutes later and I had 270 in chips.Am I just Mr. N
  22. Well I thought it was complete horsesh*t but not really because of the questions she asked. But because she told Flo she wouldn't ask those questions.
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