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Everything posted by tufat23

  1. i take it the CO check raised and he folded?biggest laydown ever lol. fps
  2. ok, i play these limits and beat it, so this is my take.A9o is not playable to a raise preflop, unless you have a good knowledge of the player and his range. Its even worse if theres a caller in front of you. You also have to have seen at least one continuation bet go wrong. however if it is folded to you, a raise of the pot (if thats standard) is a no brainer(my biggest problem with UB is the stupid bet the pot button. if i wanted to do that everytime, i'd play PLHE ffs)Based soley on your chipstack it doesn't look like you will have been there long enough for this information.On the flop cal
  3. ah! i was too slow. pm me if the other guy doesnt work out
  4. at the same limit whilst bonus chasing on empire i did 15bb/100 playing 3 tables of 6-max over 4k hands.I think i ran well, however is was still getting stacked via the odd bad beat. 2k hands before i did the chasing i just broke even. I think 10bb is around sustainable, maybe up to 15. 20bb sounds like a lot.
  5. i've been finding my success rate at pushing people off TPGK OOP is vastly lower than when being in position. I agree that the way you've played it, you fire on 4th street, however I'm chomping at the bit to fire if an A comes. Funny thing is i get just as excited in exactly the same way when i can bluff at scare cards as i do when a perfect card has just made my hand. This is because both times i think i'm taking down the pot.I'd have liked smooth calling the flop, and check raising the scare card turn. Csots a bit more if you're wrong, but a scarier bet and more chance of making him put
  6. i'd have pushed that flop. I really don't think its unreasonable for JJ. Its not a premium pair, and whilst i would probably look to raise for value, im not driving peopel out in case someone has a monster or a bad flop comes. With that many limpers, and JJ in bb, if the flop came rags you have consider that someone hit a set , and play defensively with it. Trying to thin the field from bb here is not a very good play IMO, as you have strong set value and are looking to build a pot rather than knock people out.What are you meant to do if someone comes over the top preflop? answer= laydown.The
  7. if he has an overpair he'd call the min raise. I'd probably smooth call and wait for him to hang himself (depending on read, if he's passive he wont)
  8. there are a tonne of whores on there, but they're all playing weak tight.i gues censored.com doesnt have a good poker forum? im not sure but this would make sense if they were primarily concerned with scoring the bonus.Dont bother with the LHE 0.5/1, its a fricking rock garden. 90% that i mined had v$ips under 22%.NL25 10-max is so tight, yet extra passive preflop. Try a blind steal at any opportunity, they need aces to even call.NL25 6-max. this was where all the better players played (at this level). However there were a tonne of fish around. Gotta love that 8xbb raise UTG with Q10.PLO25 10-
  9. just done it.And not to brag but i managed to make $300 playing NL25, over the 2000 raked hands.Am i now officially too good for this level or what?(yes, i know small, sample, but i've been beating the NL50 on party having grnded through NL25 already, and only moved down to bonus chase)Theres a tonne of players on empire right now, but it will only last whilst everyone else is bonus hunting. They're gonna have to move back to sharing with party IMO for them to get continued traffic. Good bonus though.
  10. what site, and are u sure? screenshot the hand history
  11. I think multimonitors is only really affective if they're the same monitor. The resolution etc has to be the same. The crt just doesnt cut it, so I use it to handle the other stuff going on whilst i just play on one.
  12. you can realistically only be crediting him for KJ, and sometimes JJ right?could be KQ if he feels he's ahead. Why didn't you just push on the flop?I think its best, if ure that worried to just take it down there and be happy with a $100 pot. He's already shown serious interest and if he has you beat there, all you can say is lolipops.
  13. party are way ahead of the game in this respect. I cant believe other sites dont provide this feature.I currently run a 19" tft with a 17" crt, but cant seem to play well by playing on both screens. I just use the crt for pokertracker display, lobby and msn convos.p.s. this is my 100th post.
  14. i got one thats 100% match up to $500 from an affiliate site. It's a bit to clear though, 10x deposit in player points so to get 500 need to make 5000 within 90 days.pm me for referral
  15. astros11ss wrote: really? how. i use msn not aim
  16. this is IMO the crucial point of making money regularly at NL.First you must have knowledge of whether your opponent is capable of making plays, and which ones.Theres a lot of questions like - 10-max/6-max- how much are you raising pre flop?- what position are you?- stack sizes. - have you been caught continuation betting. - etcmaybe post a hand history and we'll take a look.p.s. you're meant to miss the flop 2/3rds of the time. Thus you cant really play many of the marginal hands from early position. Don't call raises with then offsuit unless its AK and perhaps AQ.
  17. easy call due to the size of the stacks. Of course you feel gutted when he rivers the two outer cos its online poker (j/k)Based on read, no one else hoping for a Axx flop? KK and QQ will probably fire again but slow down later cos he's got to credit you for an ace. If he checks Axx flop, fire cos if he has AA he'll tell you. Anyone else like this line?You want callers behind for set value, and anyone moving in over the top must be credited for KK or AA in which case obviouslt just muck.I do sympathise with 'i was gonna leave' syndrome because I've had it in the past.
  18. if the correct way was to play by the book, everyone here would be playing NL1000.I think the 'book' way of playing is great for when u first learn to play, but you must develop your own style of play and learn from experience when to make moves.I'm not saying that 'book' play is wrong, it just needs personal adaptation via experience
  19. was playing on empire, then concurrently dloaded the new party software.afeter installing, empire crashed and now wont work.coincidence?it loads the connecting miniscreen, then blanks like its loading empire, then nothing comes up.i tried unistalling both, restaring etc.anyone got any other ideas?happen to anyone else? cos im getting censored
  20. how about: - 32.5% rakeback on a crypto site - 100% match $90 reload every month - reload bonus doesnt count against MGRcant get much better than that. PM me
  21. Ok so I'm currently busy bonus chasing my 2000 hands on empire.Played well, had a nice rush, changed tables and this happened.villain had vip 90% and pf raise of 40% over only 12 hands.I decided he missed, and really could have any range of hands. Most probably I wouldn't call the all-in against a 25%vip player.I just wanna know if you like the line i took. Would this be right if i put say a 25%vip player on a range of 99, A10 upwards? (dont know how to work pokerstove yet)No Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $0.10/$0.256 playersConverterStack sizes:UTG: $21.85Hero: $25.35CO: $14.07Button: $13.50
  22. maybe its $50k entry so that its 90% live pros, with few online qualifiers (if any).A lot of pros have been reported as saying HORSE should be the main event so this is a backhand way of making it the main event without actually calling it that and upsetting advertisers/tv sponsors.200 entrants would be sick. what they gonna do if the prize pool for horse is more than the main event?
  23. STYLINHAWYN got his money in, when in a favourable position. so u got sucked out on. The reason you play 2 pair fast is because your winning at that point and just want to (a) get value from someone on TPTK and (B) protect yourself from TPBK who draws out on you.
  24. hi thanks for all the help. i mapquested it (we use streetmap in uk) and found where he lives.Note: i edidted the zip code etc cos im not gonna start posting the poor guy's locationTJ_Eckleburg wrote: whats this game?
  25. his initial min raise stops me cold and i'll put him on a 6 asap.Did he make the same bet when he had the nut flush??usually i'd lean on calling. Thing is, he could think he has a made hand with trips here. If he's rubbish min raise him back, then rub your chin (j/k).I'd just call if he can do a chip trick (i.e. he may be good but you've only seen him for 5 hands).
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