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About Survivor_BUFF

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Denise has been adamant that it's not the way she's playing. She went along with voting Carter out over Abi, but that doesn't alter her final four alliance. It made it easier for her alliance to make it to the final four. If Malcolm is right, that sitting next to Denise in the finals is his biggest challenge, he needs her out. Encouraging Skupin and Lisa to break an alliance (the final four alliance) isn't a good thing because it makes it easier for them to break their final three alliance. Also, if he knocks Denise out at five, he's left the temptation of Abi for Skupin and LIsa. If he has De
  2. I disagree that winning the immunity challenge was a mistake because it kept his options open and a lot can change between a challenge and a tribal council. Leaving Abi in could be to his detriment because he's a fairly strong contender in the finals, and it would be tempting for Skupin and Lisa to ditch him for her. Giving the necklace or the idol to Denise says to Skupin and Lisa that he doesn't trust them and jeopardizes their belief that he meant his final three deal. Not going out of his way to protect Denise when she didn't need it lays a bit of groundwork for her to accept his turning o
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