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Everything posted by the_stein

  1. why would you 3 bet the river here?You either win 1 more bet if you are winning and lose 2 more if you are losing
  2. I REALLY think the best play here is to 3bet/foldThis is an unknown, given that we could be ahead, behind, or drawing dead.So if he is tight he might fold a slightly better hand to a 3 bet, if he is loose we could be ahead, and if unsure we can check the river for the same price as it would have cost to just call down. 98% of the time if he 3 bets here we are surely beat so folding is easy.The only tricky part here is if he just calls and then bets out the river. That would be real clever. We would have to call the bet on the river because of the size of a pot.It looks like he has 33, acex sui
  3. This hand made my head hurt.No wait, that's a lie.This hand made me puke.
  4. good threadSo its clear that after he raises the turn the best move is to push, if he folds his set, we still win a big pot, and if he calls with his set he is getting a bad price. And if he has a flush he is 90% calling.Also you gotta remember, if he has a small flush and the 4th suited card comes out he might really get scared and not pay you off. Now here is a question, what if the TURN is a brick? You raised on the flop so do you keep betting? Do you check and call depending on if he bets and how much? What about if the board pairs on the turn? What if the flush card pairs the board?
  5. You're probably beat, you raised big preflop and flopif you think there is a chance your hand is still good then you raise 2500 on top of it, if he pushes then you know you're beat and can foldMost likely he has a set, but there is always the chance of a lower pp or ace8
  6. it was fine, but when you are drawing and are all in, it usually doesn't hurt to have more then 1 caller, no real reason to isolate, make hand- win big pot, not make hand - lose pot anyways
  7. Depends on what his all in......is?What is his house, his funds, his assets, his wife, etc.......?its worth equal to whatever you have, duh!
  8. Devilfish raises on the button with q2, hellmuth calls with 1010 on the big blind, small blind folds.Flop comes q 8 5 Hellmuth checks, Devilfish betsHellmuth sits there moaning and complaining, says "I put him on 2 kings before the flop" everyone at the table starts laughing at himHe folds the 10s face up. Everyone laughs some moreDevilfish shows the 2. Everyone is still laughing, making comments like juanda "hahahahaha didn't he say he put him on king 2, hahaha"Hellmuth should have gone broke that hand (unless he reraised preflop and it was enough for devilfish to fold)
  9. http://fullcontactpoker.com/poker-forums/v...7872&highlight=
  10. This was the best post I have ever read on fcp, thank you
  11. Ill bet here, slight chance he'll fold (a better or equal hand), and if he does call and I lose, I'll get called down later more
  12. Ultimate Bet has recently introduced royal hold em. I'm not sure if this game is played anywhere else, but basically its the same as hold em, except you only use the cards 10-Ace. It's a very stupid game.But its a cash machine if you learn how to play it well, so I'll start of with some tips - You need a boat or better to win everytime (almost, unless its a split)- Fold flopped straights - If you have top set on a 4 to a straight board, RAM AND JAM, CAP IT ETC. - I usually raise AK and AQ because top boats are key, of course I raise AA and KK as well, sometimes QQ, limp with jj and 1010 and ho
  13. its hard to decide what to flame first.the fact "89" is in his email address (a little young?)his average of "$12-56 per hour" (won't even get into how dumb it is to say an average with such huge range)or his grammar "Texas Hold'em ONLINE POKER"people tend to only flame people with something to say or a little self-respect. this guy clearly has none of either and is just not worth the energy.best flame ever
  14. I like the question, although I am highI think daniel would fold, actually pretty sure he would
  15. I like the question, although I am highI think daniel will fold, I'm actually pretty sure he would
  16. This is such an unbelieveable post, that I almost can't believe it's sincere.First of all, you start with 800 chips at party, so even if you're a world class player, they are a luck fest. When you start with so few chips, you realy don't have the luxary to wait around for awesome cards. You have to play fast, loose and agressive.Second of all, the small stacks aren't ALWAYs pushing in because they finally found a hand. Often, they are despirate, and will pick any ace high, king high, any connector, or suited hand to push with, as they should, because otherwise they'll be anted out. And tr
  17. How many big blinds do you have to have for you be comfortable. When do you start saying "I am getting blinded away" "I'm shortstacked" "I need to make a move" I know we all know that 10 bbs is when you should push or fold (well according to howard lederer)But how many do you need to still be getting involved in pots. Ok I think I got my question across
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