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Everything posted by Ricer98

  1. Yes we might be winning, then folding is a mistake. But over the long run just staying out of margnial situations in small pots will not hurt your over all profits by an significant amount. Think back at how many times you see a player at a table double up or win a big pot. Then 20 min later they've bleed off all their profits calling down with bad draws, 2nd pair, ect. Its just not worth it, keep waiting for big hands and playing position and your stack will consistanly rise.
  2. $1.75 to win $12.00, 6.85 to 1 odds.
  3. I check the turn since we are out of position. If he bets we need to analyze what this bet means. If he makes a strong lead at the pot I'd be more inclined to think he was weak. If it looks like a bet that doesn't want a call, it probably doesn't. If he bets something smaller like 1/2 the pot it looks more like he's value betting. If he checks behind we risk a draw getting there for free, but I still like keeping this pot as small as possible. That nine is a terrible card. Were essentially contiunation betting the flop from the eyes of our opponets so we probably pick of a call from top
  4. Continuation betting every flop regardless of number of players and board texture is a huge leak. Sometimes you need to just check and see what happens. Betting every flop is reckless aggression in my opinion.
  5. Okay maybe warrant was a bad choice of wording. You said you weren't too happy about how you played it, and I think if MP3 had shown down a king or a six in that spot you would have leaned towards not thinking calling was a good idea. You say bad players at this level do things you can't explain, which I totally agree with. But then go on to say anyone who called a raise should have a good enough king to bet it, these two points seem counterintuitive to eachother. I can't count the number of players I've seen call raises with Kx suited, hit their king and still check the flop. They know e
  6. One I've just realized in the last couple weeks. Overbetting is your friend. If you've got the nuts or close too it over bet the hell out of it. You'd be suprised how many times you get called. I find myself using this play more and more. Hand #40567803-62597 at Cedarbluff (No Limit Hold'em)Started at 09/Apr/07 21:08:58 natesr8 is at seat 0 with $5.75. LimitGrinder is at seat 1 with $15.25. dac222 is at seat 3 with $9.91. TurtlePiss is at seat 4 with $10. Nedboy7 is at seat 5 with $5.99 (sitting out). The button is at seat 4. natesr8 posts the big blind o
  7. I think the results are making you try to warrant this play. Its no different then say calling with an overpair and running into a set, you try to convince youself folding was the right play, when maybe calling was correct and you just got unlucky. This was the 1 time in 100 you have the best hand given the action. Jot down some notes on MP3, as he is one of the worst players I have ever seen, and raise every time he leads weak at a pot. I'm curious for an argument as why to lead the turn, and why to call down. I see countless flaws with both plays, this seems like a no brainer to me.
  8. It seems that general logic is that this hand should be folded preflop. This is something about stud 8/b that has never made sense to me. Yes, we are playing for half the pot when you want to be looking for scoop hands. But how is this any different than entering the pot with a hand like A26. While yes we've got some straight potential, the odds of hitting would be so low were basically playing for half the pot. I guess were drawing to making a pair of aces, but it still seems the main reason to play this hand is for a low draw and hope we back into some sort of high hand to go along with
  9. I'd say most of the time, no the addition 10 or 25 cents probably won't make a huge deciding factor as to if they call or fold. Against some players it might though. From watching quite a few of the videos on cardrunners this is outlined as the play with limpers in front. The logic being, its larger than the standard raise of 3x the big blind as a way to "punish" the player for limping in. It forces them to call a more than standard raise out of position. As for everyone behind us, they are forced to call 5x the big blind as well. Its this difference I think that makes the play optimal.
  10. Preflop: I agree with fatman, raise more. Flop: I am offically done with this hand right here. There is no reason to bet here as it tells us nothing of where we stand. We get flat called by a weak king, flush draws, straight draws. Even though we get called by hands we beat, any call has to make you hate your hand regardless. Turn: I don't like leading out here, as I said I'm done with this hand on the flop. With the board and number of players in the hand on the flop, everyone has to be worried that they are beat. Strong to mid range hands that would normally bet into less opponents
  11. I agree its pretty close here and there are obvious arguments either way. The deciding factor for me was the stack size of the flat caller. When its his turn to act on the flop hes got $6.50 left and $4.77 to call. The $4.77 is approx 74% of his stack. I don't see how top pair or a draw doesn't just shove in there. I could see flat calling top pair or maybe a KQ type hand with a bigger stack. That would leave folding as an option if I were to push over the top. Flat calling for that much of a stack just looks suspicious. He also called pretty fast, which I forgot to add in the orginal
  12. I think we have to put him another king or a pocket pair like 66-1010 here. JJ-AA can be ruled out as he would probably open raise, or limp reraise your bet. I think there are only two legitimate hands that beat us here. I'd be worried about A5 or 44. Probably rarely 44, but it might calls us once on the flop figuring it for a continuation bet. Maybe a suited connector with a 5 in it but I think thats less likely. I can't think of anyway he calls the flop with two spades in his hand so that can be ruled out. If he did have trips or a boat he would have to raise the turn, or lead the riv
  13. NL Hold'em 6 Max.05/.10 BlindsUTG is at seat 0 with $5.27.UTG+1 is at seat 1 with $7.10.Hero is at seat 5 with $15.35. Hero is BB Hero: Kc KsPre-flop: UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, 2 folds, SB calls, Hero raises to $.50, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, BB folds. Flop (board: Js 3h Td): Pot - $1.90 Hero $1.25, UTG goes all-in for $4.77, UTG+1 calls, Hero FOLDS???I'm beat here right? The flat call of a raise and a reraise being the indicator. On a side note to anyone who plays on ultimatebet, what do you use for a hand convertor. I've tried both of the ones linked in the
  14. You said you think the villian is a fairly decient player, how good? Good enough to attack weakness? Cause our hand sure looks that way with the action on the turn and river. I'd probably bet a little more on the flop as well, maybe in the $5 range. The half pot sized bet on the turn looks like a scared bet. I can't think of a hand I'd value bet like that give the board, straight and flush draws everwhere. So I would see a weak bet on this board as exactly that, weak. Follow that up with checking the river, even more weakness. Your telling him to take this pot away from you. Any good
  15. First off at .05/.10 I would say hes not making a play here, not many players are playing attention to more than their cards. Beyond just the limits, min raising with air would be about the dumbest play ever as you have pretty much zero fold equity there. I'd say the min raise either means hes got a weak ace and wants to test the waters, many player like to limp Ax and usually call when raised. Or, a big hand like two pair or a set. He's made a weak raise followed by a weak bet, both seem to want a call. Dump this and find a better spot. I can't think of a single hand he raises and bets
  16. BB is at seat 5 with $1.99. Hero is at seat 6 with $2.05. Hero is UTG Hero: As Ac Pre-flop: Hero raises to $.07, 7 folds, BB re-raises to $.22. Hero calls. Probably should have just reraised here, but the table had been playing tight so I gave him credit for a fairly good hand. Thought I would have a better chance of getting his whole stack after the flop. Granted he probably plays all in with JJ or better an maybe AK, but anyway.Flop (board: 2c 2h Qc): BB checks, Hero bets $.20, BB goes all-in for $1.77, Hero ????This check seemed odd and I just ha
  17. BB is at seat 4 with $2.71.Hero is at seat 9 with $2.71.Blinds: .01/.02Hero is MP Hero: As 8sPre-flop: 4 Folds, Hero calls, 3 Folds, BB checks Flop (board: 5d 8d 9h): Pot: $0.05 BB bets $.05, Hero raises to $.18, BB calls. Villian came out insta betting the pot as soon as the flop hit. With this bet and the texture of the flop I put him on a draw of some sort, and raised to see where I stood in the hand. Turn (board: 5d 8d 9h Ac): Pot: $0.41 BB bets $.41, Hero calls. Again the bet speed was extremely fast. This seemed like a bet from a draw
  18. Should I even be completing the small blind here or complete then folding to the raise? Either way I'm getting 9 to 1 odds to complete, then again to call the raise. Folding getting those odds just seems too weak tight with this hand. I've got a pair, straight potential, it can easily flop the nuts in either direction. I think preflop hand selection is definetly one of my leaks so maybe I just need to change my thinking about these type of hands.
  19. I know I played the hand bad, more elaboration as to why would be appreciated. Allthought I think I figured it out allready. I don't have much problem with the flop play. At these limits people are calling two bets cold with top pair and a horrible low draw, or less as was the case in this hand. Without it being 3 bet I'm about 95% sure I have the best hand for the high. I was really only worried about the straight draw, so I thought a reraise would get extra money in from people calling with worse high holdings or chaing low draws. Probably a little loose, but if your gonna make an erro
  20. LimitGrinder posts the small blind of $.25. LimitGrinder: 7s 4d 7d 2hPre-flop: 1 Fold, ELAG007_AOL calls, shade calls, 1 Fold, cbt_2001 calls, LimitGrinder calls, betchecka raises, ELAG007_AOL calls, shade calls, cbt_2001 calls, LimitGrinder calls. Flop (board: 5s Qc 7h): Pot - 10 SB LimitGrinder bets, betchecka raises, ELAG007_AOL calls, shade calls, cbt_2001 calls, LimitGrinder re-raises, betchecka calls, ELAG007_AOL calls, shade calls, cbt_2001 calls. Turn (board: 5s Qc 7h 8s): Pot - 12.5 BB LimitGrinder bets,
  21. I think I would probably cap this preflop for the exact reason you mentioned, he probably doesn't think your as strong as you are. I would play 4th exactly the same way raise then just call his reraise. I definetly throw a raise out on 5th. If the villan happened to have started with aces in the hole, he hasn't made two pair so we're in the lead now. We also took the lead from any smaller two pair. A straight is very unlikely because he probably wouldn't have done so much betting and raising on 3rd and 4th without a pair. A flush is also unlikely for the same reason. The only hand that
  22. With rolled up trips as small as this I'd bet it hard early and try to force a couple of folds. With something like rolled up aces or kings I'm more likely to take it slow on 3rd and 4th and let some extra players in. This is very risky with smaller trips thought as it is much easier for someone to make a higher set. When they do its also a hard hand to get away from.
  23. Wow this is a tough one, the villan played this hand so strange by just calling a raise on 5th, then leading 6th and 7th. I'd say that means he's either extremely strong or very weak. As passive as play usually is I'd probably lean towards the first of the two, that he's got the straight. Its just so hard to put a smaller two pair in his hand since he would need either the case ace or queen. This is one of those way ahead or way behing situations. We've either got the villan drawing to a six outer at best, two outs for a boat and four for the straight. Or, if he's already there and were
  24. I'd keep betting til the end with both hands. Both hands are very well desquised so anyone with two pair will be calling down, possibly even worse.
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