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About bnmrunner

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. How do you develop discipline as a poker player? Does it come with experience or do you have to consciously work to develop it? That might seem like a dumb question, but it's something i've had a problem with for a while now. I'll work hard to build a bankroll. Then ill sit down and play well for a month or so with really good results, then I just lose focus and end up giving back all my winnings. I feel that I have a lot of potential and I really enjoy playing, especially for the social aspect of the game, but that same process happens over and over. Any advice? Or is poker just not the game
  2. In this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqTjYnkIHIA did you really have the 6 of spades? Or did you just know Antonio was playing tricks with you?
  3. Why do you feel that only a select few who try to play poker full time actually succeed? What qualities do you believe combine to make a winning poker player?
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