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Everything posted by gloyner

  1. I dressed up like Turd Ferguson and it's been a greta nightAND I won my first teo 11$ SNG'sI love Hallowe'en... best holiday... when girls can dress like slues and it's all goodAnd I apologize if this idea / topc has already been discussedBUT it's such a good topic.... I love Hallowe'en - wish I was in Vegas for it
  2. I went snowboarding.... sooooo good, not much time left in the season for us folks in the east
  3. Dinner's alright, but no movie on the first date. Drinks is optimal, especially at a nice chill lounge, so you can sit and talk and get her trashed. I always invite girls back to watch the Will Ferrell Best of SNL DVD (1st volume- 2nd not so good). It's never failed... and if the girl won't watch it, or worse yet doesn't like it you ditch her, because she either A has no sense of humour, or B is unafraid to try new things.Regardless have a good time.
  4. I'm a little late to the thread but I'll toss in my two cents... to put it bluntly, I love American people, can't stand the US administration and politics. Most of the world realizes this as well but unfortunately there's the odd foreigner that associates all US travellers with their latest image of Bush, which is not too good. I've recently returned from Australia, (played some poker in the Melbourne casino with AFL players) and only one local Aussie told me I was lucky to be Canadian and not American... so that's a good sign ( I think). All the Americans I met on my travels were really cool
  5. Heh, yeah I was gonna say learn to play Pai Gow, 200$ at a 10$ min table will last a hell of a lot longer than it will at a blackjack table.
  6. Yeah I got lazy this week and haven't gone down yet... but 1.5 hour wait at 5 pm? Damn that's ridiculous, i'll have to start showing up at 3-4 o'clock or so, try to beat the rush.
  7. Yeah well played tourney man... learned a hell of a lot railing ya.
  8. Nice call with the KK.... right back in it!
  9. Flop JT5, the money goes in Looshle with KJ and villain with QJ. And we're playing heads up.
  10. Seriously eh?! When you run goot, you run goot... trip 6's with 106... take this mo fo down!
  11. Yeah seriously.... I haven't seen a stack blown like that since Jenna Jameson on Peter North! bada bing... I'm here all monthJust dodged a brazilion outs knocking out the 4th place dude, nice work!
  12. Nice hand with the straight.Down to five, keep at er!
  13. Sweet final table with chip lead... keep on rollin'!
  14. And it continues.... QQ held over JJ and then next hand Aces!.... I just busted out of my tourney in 22nd, and hadn't seen any kind of hands like that in 2 hours...
  15. Wow, dude lets you hit your set on the turn, then the straight... nice rush!
  16. Nice hit with the rockets!! Keep it going Looshle!
  17. Yeah this gets me a few times too... pisses me right off.Anyways, railing too gl
  18. There's so many good golf gambling games so I figure I'll mention two additional ones here:Wolf (DN mentioned it in his blog) in which partners rotate depending on the holeHollywood in which you play with each member in 3 separate 6 hole matchesI love gambling on golf, sometimes I'll play 3 games in one round, Hollywood, skins and Bing, Bang Bong. Good times... And yes, a little envious of the foursome in the thread!
  19. I'd like to make it out to one of these nights as well, but like Royal booked for all August weekends, and I'm unreliable as a Windows 95 desktop... so book something and if it works out great... if not if not.
  20. Yeah I'm excited for the CNE poker too, although it won't get really juicy until the rest of the Ex opens up. I played a bunch last year and turned a small profit, and am hoping to do better this year as I have no job this year, and will hopefully stay off the 3 card poker tables that line the poker room.Play is usually pretty bad, although so are the chairs, lineups, dealers, rake, etc. They only spread 5-10 and 10-20, and if you go during peak after dinner hours, the wait was sometimes as long as 2-3 hours. Make sure you sign up with the poker 'comp' team, as you'll get a free entry pass for
  21. You can get around the rake by hitting a Royal... dealer was kind enough to drop the rake on a hand i won with a royal last year, and believe me, it will be juicy enough to make up for the high rake. Although bring a cushion the chairs are TERRIBLE. Not sure about playing there until the rest of the CNE opens up however.
  22. Yeah seriously... I can't believe this, twice in an hour, and it's been like 20 minutes this time. I might as well have lit that 20$ for two tourneys on fire.gwah Well came back up for 1 minute, now it's down AGAIN!! Time to take a fresh air breather
  23. I think that is Rob Hollink if I'm not mistaken...
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