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Everything posted by pckt10s

  1. out of 250k....jumping in $5 rebuy...
  2. just found mine... bought it at fry's electronics a while ago... gonna start using it again since the pad on my laptop is too sensitive... than i'll realize why i hid it away...
  3. Don't know if this has been posted, but just read it on cardplayer concerning one Jeff Shulman...Shulman jokes that he earned the nickname because of his general mood thanks to his immense success with the ladies — “I was competing with Wilt Chamberlain back in the day,” he reminisces — but in actuality, he received the nickname at an early age after his brother had trouble pronouncing “Jeffrey.” He said, “Haffrey,” which transformed into “Happy.”Really... Wilt the Stilt... I doubt this as Wilt was seriously putting in some work back in the day...
  4. nah... its ok... simply ran bad for 13.75 hours... even got AA after 13 hours for the first time on the button... no action though... just my luck though... I'll probably get hit with the deck for the next month or so...
  5. tough break... I kept waiting for mine... for 13.75 hours... never came... gl...
  6. out... just before the dinner break... down to 5500... all in with AT... called by 88... 8 on the flop...back to grindin' for another chance next year...
  7. me too...www.twitter.com/whittystevenMiranda 306, seat 5... 20,500... Getting ready to nit it up... to double up...
  8. thanks... I'll be starting out in the Miranda room tomorrrow for day 2b... table 306... seat 5
  9. I got a mini axe spray for that situation... although, I doubt it would help...
  10. had a bad last level... tried to make to much happen... gave away 7k to some nit, another 2k with 55, and got repopped twice... once with JJ, other guy had QQ...Made one flush today, lost to straight flush...no straights, no sets, no full houses... pretty much grinded to not quite 40k... than blew it in 2 hours...come back Wednesday MR (Miranda room)...20,900 chips...
  11. 36,125 at dinner break... pic of me on pokernews as "bomb" hat guy
  12. table orange 64... look for updates on twitter (in sig)
  13. picked up my table assignment tonight... day 1d... Orange 64... seat 3... right on the rail... Alex Jacob was in the seat at the end of the night... saw Hellmuth minus the regala as well...
  14. I used to have the link to the video on youtube in my sig, but I just took it out...
  15. I'll post updates... where I'm at... there's a pic on twitter site (link in sig)... I'll prolly be wearing the same dodger hat...
  16. yup... I really can't believe all the updates on pokernews right now... I mean with people shoving when they really don't have to... or one recent one where J. Tilly called a 13,000 all in with A9... unbelievable...
  17. Are all Day one's gonna be the same... 4 levels? They would have to be... right?
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