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About LVToothmkr

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  1. this was posted on Nations Review's Planet Gore blog.http://planetgore.nationalreview.com/An IPCC Reviewer Reviews the IPCC Speaking of boondoggles, over at Sp!ked, Rob Lyons interviews Aynesley Kellow, an Australian expert reviewer for the IPCC. He quickly reveals just why all those temperature predictions we hear about - and all the devastating effects associated with them - are fundamentally misguided: According to the scenarios on which the climate models are based, the developing world will go through an enormous economic leap forward over the next century - and apparently this will
  2. Environmental extremists are one of the strongest supporters of socalled Man-made Global Warming. They have alterior motives that are detrimental to the continued presperity of the Human race.A very interesting article that outlines and supports this thesis.http://www.intellectualactivist.com/php-bi...1100#Byline%201a couple of paragraphs.Environmentalists ultimately object to the amount of power produced, regardless of how it is produced. The instant that any technology promises to supply power on an industrial scale, it becomes an unpardonable evil that must be stamped out by force—either by
  3. That is a very good question, is Global Warming a science? I present for your consideration this argument that it is not and that Climatology is immature and therefore not a complete science. When everything that is held up to prove the existance of Man-made global warming, so called extreme weather, one must approach these claims and those that put them forward with considerable skepticism. Man in no way causes nor can he prevent global scale changes, volcanoes, earthquakes, weather systems like huricanes or tornados, and certainly not Global Warming. We are too insignificant to have that kin
  4. A Scientist discounts global warming hysteria. Richard S. Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research has always been funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from any energy companies.This can be found in the latest issue of Newsweek.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17997788/site/newsweek/Why So Gloomy? By Richard S. LindzenNewsweek InternationalApril 16, 2007 issue - Judging from the media in recent months, the debate over global warming is now over. There has been a net warming of the earth over the l
  5. Wow, where to start. I guess I just need to re-iterate the facts and then let you go on your merry way. Obviously this is an exercise in futility. You want to believe and no amount of evidence will persuade you that this is not a crisis, not caused by man and nothing that we can do anything about. What we are going through is a part of the cycles that is life on this planet.The planet Earth is warming, again. It has been much warmer than now and also much cooler, this is a NORMAL cycle. This warming trend is well within the temperature range that the planet has experienced in the past. Most of
  6. The facts, the science, does not support your "beliefs". Claimed consensus and political publications does not change the basic science. Hysteria and repetition to the point of mantra does not change the truth.Climate change is normal, the earth has been both warmer and cooler in the recent past. Those who are shouting about pending catastrophe are the same groups who were shouting about the same causes thirty years ago when ithe crisis was a coming ice age. They have the same reasons for both changes and are just as wrong now as they were then. We are part of the earth's eco-system. We are no
  7. OK, so you want science, did you watch the documentary that started this discussion. I suppose not since it doesn't fit into your predetermined view. It has scientists, and others who have researched the global warming issue and determined yes it is warming, but that it is NORMAL, human beings are not the cause, the cycles of the sun are the cause, we can do nothing to change it, and finally it has happened before and will happen again.We are warming from a cool period, it is well within the normal range of temperatures that the earth has experienced in the past, and it will be likely to have
  8. You really haven't looked very far, but when your personal beliefs are being challenged it usually is difficult to search out information and sources that would prove your beliefs to be false.Google link for your review:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=g...G=Google+SearchJust one of the pages from the google search:http://www.global-warming-info.com/Global warming caused by man does NOT stand up to scrutiny. The cycles of the sun are the base cause, co2 is a minor GHG, water vapor is the largest GHG. No model can predict the past let alone predict the future. If the earth were cooling
  9. There was a recent debate, were people put forward the issues and discussed in measured tones the real facts, here is the transcript, it runs 79 pages.http://www.crichton-official.com/GlobalWarmingDebate.pdf
  10. Once again, YES, there is climate change this time it is warming, about a half a degree c for this century, most of it prior to WWII, with a significant decrease in temps starting around 1950 ending with equal crisis hollering around 1975. NONE of this is caused by us, HUMANS.The planet is just too big and too complex for us to have any real impact over any measurable time or space.The examples cited above are just minor blips on the earth like little pimples. No real consequence, no real impact.If the earth were heading to an ice age, again circa 1973, we could not stop it. If we are so very
  11. Gores purchases the "carbon off-sets" from himself. He has an investment company that is basically a mutual fund that buys stock in companies and plants trees. Another scam!The more that you look at any of this stuff, the sicker that those who are leading the charge appear. This is the biggest scam in the history of the world, getting people to do so many things that are directly against their best interest, at tremendous cost with absolutely no benefit.Take a Prius, costs too much, never get your money back unless gas like doubles in price and you drive about 20,000 miles per year and keep th
  12. I watched the documentary last night, and was impressed by the information and the sources for same. When the founder of Greenpeace is telling you that the "Global Warming Crisis" is a scam I would think that his former fellow believers would at least listen and re-consider their positions.Every argument that the wackos put forward was addressed and destroyed. Even the source of their alarm, and reason for the nashing of teeth was presented. This is nothing but pure folly and a power grab by those who lost the great issues of the 20th century but still want a seat at the table. Socialism, Comm
  13. That is a good question. What is so bad about it getting warmer, last time it got warmer, Iceland, Greenland and Scotland could grow crops, some desert areas became lush with vegitation. More water evaporates, making more clouds and rain. There are places on this planet that have in the recent past been greener than now when it was warmer, as there are places that when it was colder, had thick coverings of ice in the past, that are now covered with grass.It changes from time to time always has always will. Warmer is not bad nor is it good it is just WARMER. Milder winters, longer growing sea
  14. Screaming and hollering about how you and your position is correct and even if it is wrong what if it were right and we don't do what I say is the correct choice is NOT an argument. It is nothing but posturing.There is NOTHING in the scientific evidence, not one thing, that points to HUMAN beings causing climatic warming on a global scale. Local warming, heat island effect, minor fluctuations in surface temps, yes. But Global warming caused by humans is nothing but pure folly and socialist BULLSHIT.The warming is cyclical, and caused by the SUN. When the sun shines brighter it gets warmer, hap
  15. Evidence of what exactly. Who exactly "believes" this new "religion"? The human species is NOT powerful enough to prevent a new ice age, but can "cause" global warming?Warming from what point, has it been warmer than this, has it been cooler than this. Just so you know, the answer to both questions is YES!, and it will be the same in the future, wamer and cooler than it is now. We can't prevent this from happening.Before you were born, only thirty years ago, everyone like you was talking about a coming ice age. Magazine covers were showing cites buried in ice with only the tops of skyscrapers
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