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Everything posted by toddkrit

  1. It seems like he should kind of play more tight right now and grab the $$ the low stacks are gonna toss around and not get into too many hard decisions. It seems like he thinks everyone there is a donk.......but these last 800 are the best 10% this year. Maybe he should give this group a little more credit than he did in the first part of the tourny.
  2. Dont think its a starting hand issue. He can play anything from any position. I think it was a time issue. For him to have his head around the way these guys are playing but not realize that after the bubble pops its going to be an all in fest is a bad mistake IMO.
  3. I kind of think that DN shouldnt have pushed there. They were right after the bubble and people who dont have chips are going to start pulling the Gus Hansen All ins now to try and double up.
  4. Fri Aug 04 17:51:00 PDT 2006Negreanu's Stack DentedOn a flop of J98, Daniel Negreanu bets $12,000 and Chris Combs calls. The turn is the 3 and Negreanu shoots out again with $18,000. Combs calls and the river puts the 10 on the board. Negreanu pushes all-in, having Combs well covered and Combs calles all-in, showing J10 for top two pair. Negreanu shows 108 for a worse two pair and Combs rakes in the pot to double up to $130,000. Negreanu's stack is now down to $158,000.Poop.
  5. It seems like the 7 arent making a good choice here. With everything going on about internet poker in the news and courts right now, they should just stay on the down low. Alot of those guys are hooked up with online sites, and this is just going to be another black and blue mark on poker. With so many people flocking to the WSOP and the public opinion of poker at its highest theres a chance that public opinion could help out with some of these court proceedings. The fact that some of the more well known players would pick this time to sue just doesnt seem very smart. :huh:P.S. Hope you do wel
  6. I guess my big problem is not online. I know there are a TON of games to choose from. Its the fact that I`m not close to a B&M and I really love to play live. It seems as though alot of the home games in my area are turning into rebuy and add on heaven. It gives the maniacs a better chance of busting out the guys who used to take their money week after week.Thanks for all of the posts guys.
  7. Can you explain? Do you mean like a basketball game. People coming off the bench, etc.?
  8. It just seems to me its like raising a pot when you have aces in the hole. Aces are a favorite 85.5% of the time against any one random hand.......but only 58.8% against 4 random hands. So I personally like to limit my competition.. The more people that are rebuying seems to give me less of a chance to make it to the money.By the way.....thanks for the input. Im just trying to learn here. Whats the best way to play in these games. Super tight?
  9. Ive also seen these rebuy people end up in the money way too often though.
  10. I agree the analogies arent very good. I also agree that their isnt a level playing field. I also believe that bad players can increase the chances of hitting their bad beats against people if they have an unlimited amount of chances to rebuy during a certain period. Obviously I want them to do that in a cash game. In a tourny I want to focus on the other people still in the tourny that i want out. If everytime someone gets out they get right back in........now i have a smaller chance of making it farther.If there is a buy in for $120 for 10,000 in chips and you can get another 5000 for $50 as
  11. Im wondering everyones opinion on rebuys and add ons in tournys. Im mostly talking home tournys. Ok, I understand that it gets more money in the pot but this seems crazy to me. Lets take the add ons. IMO it should be an even starting playing field. What other competion starts like this?? It would be like someone in a race throws in an extra $20 and they get 3 seconds off their ending time. Rebuys would be like George Steinbrenner paying in for the Yankees if they lost the first 4 games of the World Series. I didnt articulate the points very well but I hope you guys get the picture. Id apprecia
  12. Showed the boys at the home game the Krablar last night. AHHH yes. They think im nuts. PINCH PINCH PINCH PINCH!!!!
  13. I was wondering if any of you had used that build a bankroll website at all? Ive never played for real money online and was thinking about depositing about $200 of my bankroll into a site. I had heard about that site on here someplace so i was hoping someone would have some insight.Plus........what the best limit to start at and any suggestions on what site?Thanks alot!Todd
  14. Oh no..gonna get flamed bad. Posted twice on accident........and spelled the krablar wrong. Must have been drunk on the krablar punch that was being passed around the poker table.
  15. PINCH PINCH PINCH PINCH!!!I just was dealt K3 of hearts 3 out of 4 times! Played it the first time on the button with no raises.......so i opened with a raise....all fold!! Then i got it in the big blind and called a raise just because.......KJ3 rainbow!! The power of the Krabler! Then got a "crap" hand.(the krabler is anything but the crapler!) Then i get K3 hearts for the third time in 4 hands.......ended up winning the tourny. Showed the Krabler all 3 times....the last time i even announced it and the only other guy in the hand folded. When i showed my hand he said " I had you beat". He ob
  16. PINCH PINCH PINCH PINCH!!!I just was dealt K3 of hearts 3 out of 4 times! Played it the first time on the button with no raises.......so i opened with a raise....all fold!! Then i got it in the big blind and called a raise just because.......KJ3 rainbow!! The power of the Krabler! Then got a "crap" hand.(the krabler is anything but the crapler!) Then i get K3 hearts for the third time in 4 hands.......ended up winning the tourny. Showed the Krabler all 3 times....the last time i even announced it and the only other guy in the hand folded. When i showed my hand he said " I had you beat". He ob
  17. Anyone ever play at the Turning Stone casino in upstate Ny? Was wondering how the games were and what they offered. Someone told me that the NL tables are a joke and that if you want a good game youve gotta play the 20/40 table!!! dont have the bacnkroll for that! Also wondered how the tournament structure was??thanks everyone
  18. This post would be kind of sad if at the bottom of your post it didnt say ="When you realize poker is just a hobby, you've already won."HAHAHA quality!!
  19. Seems to be turning around finally. Out of the last 6 tournies I have won 4 of them. It was a long run of bad beats and then me pushing myself to catch back up. Finally sat back and looked at my game and the other players bad game and plugged some holes. Thanks for the help. Anyone else have this problem?
  20. Sorry I don't speak douchebag.HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Quality
  21. WOW!! Welcome to my life!! I felt like I was reading something that I would have written! I hope that some of the posters here that know the game better than I do (which isnt very hard!) actually take this post seriously and help people like us out. Ive been reading this forum for a long time and have learned alot from you guys, but this never seems to get discussed. Basically the question is, How do you stop having a whole night of "bad beats" when your "technically" playing right. Raising and reraising in the right positions and still having 2, 3,4, and 5 callers. I know that people say to k
  22. I know..... I know. These guys start out with soo many chips. 4 stacks of 15 chips each. $500, $1000, $5000, $10000. Blinds every 15 minutes. I think ive finally found a better home game today actually. Its got to be better!! Casino is hours away.....and I like to play live. Guess you have to swim in a fish bowl sometimes to play. Although I will admit im not the best player either........but this games not helping me advance.
  23. Ive been reading this forum for about a year and never have posted.....until this hand happened. Playing in a 15 person home tourny im the BB. Blinds are 1000 and 2000. UTG raises to 10,000. Everyone folds. I look down to see KK. Ive played with the guy for a year and a half and didnt have him on aces because he didnt do his trademark aces twitch. And he doesnt like AK that much, usually limps with it. SOOO I decide to raise 5x his bet (a little too aggressive i know, but you gotta see this guy). He calls. Flop is Ace, 10, 7 rainbow.This is where my head gets cloudy right before it explodes.I
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