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Bob Euchre

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About Bob Euchre

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Interests
    Poker, Golf, Baseball, Philosophy
  1. According to the Oxford dictionary an analogy is defined as ‘a comparison between one thing and another.’ Daniel makes perfectly logical comparisons regarding the destructive nature of Islamic terrorists, Tony Soprano, anti-American Idol campaigners and voterory supporters. What should have been obvious to those reading his blog was that he wasn’t comparing the end results sought by those aforementioned but their nihilistic thinking.p.s. If one wants to be taken seriously they should avoid responding with ad hominem (eg. criticizing ones level of education or saying ‘I’m right, you’re ignorant
  2. Brilliant analysis Daniel on the willingness of some to destroy that is good. My favourite philosopher, Ayn Rand, had similar insight on the Academy awards streaker in the 70’s.From ‘The Voice of Resaon – My Thirty Years With Ayn Rand’ by Leonard Peikoff:‘ “Here,” she said in effect, “is a nationally acclaimed occasion replete with celebrities, jeweled ball gowns, coveted prizes, and breathless cameras, an occasion offered to the country as the height of excitement, elegance glamour-and what this creature wants to do is drop his pants in the middle of it all and thrust his bare buttocks in eve
  3. Personalities on PAD this week are dry as toast, makes one appreciate a little personality.
  4. No jopke.Excerpt from the link I provided. Andrew Bernstein's speech at the National Press Club, April 20, 2001, 'Environmentalism vs. Human Life.''The future of human civilization depends on understanding that the environmentalists are wrong--that they are mistaken systematically, on every point and issue. They are wrong scientifically, they are wrong logically and, above all, they are wrong morally. Take the scientific point first. Just as they were dead wrong regarding the alleged danger of DDT, they are similarly mistaken about both hazards they attribute to the automobile--the dual claims
  5. The air quality in North American cities has improved dramatically over the last century, no doubt. As a result of government intervention? Nope. Thanks to the free market developing better fuels and machinery, in spite of goverment regulations.Examples can be found in link below.
  6. A but reply:I love Daniel but I think he's way off in buying into the Gore schtick. Al Gore was against the harvesting of the pacific ewe tree, basically a shrub, when it was discovered to help cure breast cancer. His actions helped delay the release of a drug by the Merck Co. who were forced to create a synthetic alternative.As for the doom and gloomers on the anti-American, anti-capitalist global warming theory, it's an extensive topic. I'm adding a few relevant opposing links for those interested.http://epw.senate.gov/speechitem.cfm?party=rep&id=263759http://capmag.com/article.asp?id=73
  7. Congrat's Daniel. Even though you didn't win you're turning into the the Tiger Woods of poker. Phil who?
  8. No joke. It's just a knickname from university. As in Euchre the cardgame.
  9. Merry Christmas Daniel,You have a great soul in a very tough business.God bless,Bob Euchre
  10. If the players don't like the WPT's terms they don't have to play. They are not infringing on anyone's rights. The WPT has the right to set their terms. The players have the right to refuse to play. Players should not be allowed to force, via the government, them to change their rules or release forms. If the conditions are so objectionable let the players set up an alternate tour.
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