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About killer

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    Poker Forum Regular

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  • Location
    Calgary, Alta, CANADA!!!
  1. Ok...there...you're getting some votes...all I can say about this scenario is this...keep the girl, hands down, poker is about 10% or less of my life, the old lady should at least be 50%
  2. *************************LOL Hey...I didn't make up the question!!!
  3. **************************************Was thinking the same thing as soon as I saw the question...the "dream girl" is sitting next to you at the poker table, if not, she aint the one!!!
  4. **********************************He's got such a purdy mouth!!
  5. ************************************Excellent answer/explanation...great take!!!but...The question still stands, maybe it needs to be re-worded," Why, when people see this game, on tv, or live, don't they GET it??!!"For the most part, north americans don't GET soccer like europeans and three quarters of the known world, and I can see some people hating watching golf on tv or baseball, but hockey seems to be just the kind of sport that lends itself to being watched on tv!!!Oh well, whatever!!
  6. ************************************OK...granted...but WHY are there not more exceptions...I'm sure there are alot of Canadians who are exceptions so I guess I could answer my own question by saying it's exposure, hands down!!! (just like you guys said all along B) )Thx for the input guys...lock it up!!
  7. I just think it's funny that he couldn't say **** Cheney without being censored!!!On topic though, I don't see the point of, in a "free country", crapping on people for their opinions...don't read it, or, read it and voice your opinion, but, no need to ever flame with malice!!IMNSHO
  8. Get yourself some porn and something you like to drink/smoke...cuff it a few times so you can relax...and continue this until you can move on to the next chick!!!
  9. Forgot to mention the other day...I did 7 in one minute...alot harder than six but still doable...10, NO WAY, maybe even 8 would be close to impossible, but I have to ask again...the stuff that sticks to your teeth and gums is almost impossible to get off when you're trying to down 7 crackers, so, would this "leftover" material disqualify a person??
  10. ***********************************I have to disagree just a little...I played neither hockey, nor football when I was any age and love them both...why wouldn't anyone else be the same??! ********************************I have to disagree just a little...I played neither hockey, nor football when I was any age and love them both...why wouldn't anyone else be the same??! (just cause I'm not sure how to quote 2 people at once!!...for those who would wonder why)Hey...it worked...cool!
  11. Question...what's a Saltine??...is that primarily, American??We in western Canada have Premium Plus crackers...square, little holes in them, salted tops...are these the same things??........if so, I just went upstairs, stuffeds six of them in my mouth and downed them in a minute, no problem.....the only thing I can see that might "disqualify" someone is the fact that they get a little stuck to your teeth, mouth, and gums but other than that, easy peasy!! Don't see the big deal!!!
  12. ***************************Yeah...I hear Jersey's real nice!!
  13. *******************************That's a pretty sweet deal there...cause...you're just NOT gonna get that phone call!!!
  14. killer

    Funny Or Scary?

    http://festival.sundance.org/2006/watch/fi...y=DOC&which=402China more american than America. Sundance short film about how much better China is. Funny or scary?
  15. How bout the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing Uncle Fukker from South park!!
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