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About Superkk

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Location
    Edmonton, Canada
  1. I play at pokerroom and always have. The blinds start low and give you room to play with your starting stake of 1500. In most smaller limit tourneys increase every 12 - 15 min. Later on after the first hour I find they get rather high.10-2015-3025-5050-10075-150100-200150-300200-400300-600400-800500-1000600-1200700-1400800-1600900-18001000-2000 ( I think you get the point from here)
  2. What a 2/5 spread or 2/10 spread?Of so does NL make a difference. Sorry im not a great speller like you.Oh any grammar pointers?
  3. I hate Jacks, expecailly in NL. The only time I like to play jacks is if I can get them heads up.
  4. Ya, I would say I am an average NL player so I guess buying in the limit would give me more play.Does the looseness of a table make a dfferance?
  5. Hi All,On of the biggest problems I have when going to play ring games is, what amount should I buy in for. I usually play $ 3/6 live and like to play$1/2 on the net but never know what the proper buy in amount is. Also does NL make any difference when buying in. Any pointer would be appreciate.Thx Kevin
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