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Everything posted by Rybo

  1. Rybo

    1000 posts

    FYP eveAgreed, the occasional bump is alright, but when 900 of your posts are 2 characters long (+1) it makes me want to side with all the newbs complaining about people pumping their post #'s.Why can't you build your post count the old fashion way... by flaming people!!! I agree+1 I thought this was funny...and just so my post actually adds something to this thread
  2. Rybo

    the movie game

    I think it is ESOTSMBut, I say Kirsten Dunst
  3. Hola from the west coast. It is a brisk 58 degrees F here. Actually it was 58 when I got here at 7 (10 your time) so now it is around 70. God I love SD
  4. Rybo

    the movie game

    Sorry, i meant Batman Begins :oops:
  5. This thread or that thread?Read further in this threadI wrote "No, whiskey sour refers to when you 'go down' on your girl, and the 'taste' is a little different (sour) and you realize that you now have blood from ear to ear. (kinda gross, I know)"I remember it from that thread :-)Yes, I saw that but I didn't think Monkey's story was an analogy. I thought the guy actually had been drinking Whiskey sours. Was I wrong about that?OOOOOOO, now I see what you were saying...yes it was the fact that he was drinking whiskey sours. It is not an analogy. Sorry I did not specify that
  6. This thread or that thread?Read further in this threadI wrote "No, whiskey sour refers to when you 'go down' on your girl, and the 'taste' is a little different (sour) and you realize that you now have blood from ear to ear. (kinda gross, I know)"I remember it from that thread :-)
  7. $99 one way flights, Poker rate at Binions, wont pay $140 for Bon Jovi tickets for Valentines Day, you all catching on yet?Here's a little tidbit that has served me well 'lo these many years. "When SHE'S not happy, YOU'RE not happy!"Learn it, live it, love it!period.Typically, I find this is the part where no one's happy.I thought your name derived from Whiskey Sours yes?? no?? Can someone who speaks Nashvilleese explain Alan's last post to me, and what it has to do with the previous posts? I'll give it a whirl...So you said that noone is happy when she is at that time of the month...Alan poin
  8. Rybo

    new forum game.

    Thank you to the poster above me for giving us someone else to talk about. I would flame you but I don't know too much about NW except that DN thought he did not treat him with much respect, so I really can't help with a flame war
  9. Typically, I find this is the part where no one's happy.I thought your name derived from Whiskey Sours yes?? no?? Can someone who speaks Nashvilleese explain Alan's last post to me, and what it has to do with the previous posts? I'll give it a whirl...So you said that noone is happy when she is at that time of the month...Alan pointed out that your name is derived from whiskey sours so you should be used to it...I think thats it :-)i seriously lol'd hard at Nashvilleese, omg thats funny stuff.The hobbit has pretty good deciphering skillzSo is the implication that the Whiskey sour is a chick d
  10. don't talk to him before the party. nothing has happened yet, and there is no need to say anything to him. If he is at the party with you then don't be blatantly hitting on his sister in front of him. If he isn't at the party with you, don't bother saying anything to him until you two hook upThat's the plan :wink: Thanks
  11. Talk to your friend after the party. No sense in starting a whole THING between your friend if there is nothing between you and this girl.Go to the party, see how it goes.Then talk to the friend.Of course if the friend is gonna be at the same party as you and the girl. Say nothing before the party. Then talk to the girl. He will either figure it out watching you and her, or if he doesn't see you, mention everything in the guise of "hey, i was talking to your sister and .....".my 2 cents.That is sound advice. Thanks to everyone and I will let you know how it went after the break.
  12. Rybo


    congrats you posting machine...I remember when you and I had the same amount...AND THAT WAS JUST LAST WEEK
  13. $99 one way flights, Poker rate at Binions, wont pay $140 for Bon Jovi tickets for Valentines Day, you all catching on yet?Here's a little tidbit that has served me well 'lo these many years. "When SHE'S not happy, YOU'RE not happy!"Learn it, live it, love it!period.Typically, I find this is the part where no one's happy.I thought your name derived from Whiskey Sours yes?? no?? Can someone who speaks Nashvilleese explain Alan's last post to me, and what it has to do with the previous posts? I'll give it a whirl...So you said that noone is happy when she is at that time of the month...Alan poin
  14. Rybo

    new forum game.

    Here I go posting about the poster above me...again
  15. So now you all got me confused again. Every time I read some advice it sounds good but then is contradicted by something else that sounds good. So...do I talk to my friend before or after the party?Here's my thinking:If I talk to him before the party, then it makes it sound like, 'Hey, i am planning on hitting on your sister, is that ok with you?'If something happens at the party (I am NOT going to 'go all the way,' just not my style at this point) and we hit it off, and I talk to him after, I could say things just kinda happened, because they will have. (This is were wording could get tri
  16. Rybo

    the movie game

    I think you are talking about 'Cradle to the Grave'If so...Jet Li Yes, that's the one.Unleashed.You suck at this gameKiss of the DragonHe does, but this one he got rightMorgan Freeman (from Unleashed)Not to be picky butThey were in Danny the Dog Unleashed is a totaly different movieUnleashed was the title in the USA, but you are right, it was Danny the Dog elsewhere
  17. Thanks for all the advice guys...I guess I'll talk to him and I guess I have to do it soon seeing as the party in on Thursday.
  18. Rybo

    the movie game

    I think you are talking about 'Cradle to the Grave'If so...Jet Li Yes, that's the one.Unleashed.You suck at this gameKiss of the DragonHe does, but this one he got rightMorgan Freeman (from Unleashed)
  19. See...this is the kind of thinking that I wish I could do, but I don't have it in me. If I was tapping it, I would be thinking the whole time, 'Damn, I shouldn't be doing this'I think I have to go with Sharon's way. This is going to suck. I don't even know how to bring it up
  20. Rybo

    the movie game

    I think you are talking about 'Cradle to the Grave'If so...Jet Li
  21. The only reason it should hurt him is if you plan to be a "Playa" with his sister.. Either way you should just tell him straight out.. I like your sister, she seems to like me.. do you mind? Then he will either be cool with it or you will have to make a choice between him and his sister.. not an easy choice.. But DO NOT HIDE IT FROM HIM.. no matter what make sure he hears it from YOUWell if it came down to that the choice would be easy. He's my best friend. I am just worried that he would say he minds because it means he doesn't think very highly of me in that respect. Also, I haven't had a
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