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Everything posted by Rybo

  1. Wow, I can't decide wether I want to bone you or go with you to the casino followed by a strip club
  2. these two can definitely be put in the same category (as long as they are not sisters because renae doesn't like that)
  3. Rybo

    new forum game.

    I like the poster above me's av. It mixes two of my favorite things, liquor and poker...now if there was just a hot naked woman in it, it would be perfect. This brings to mind a statement. Liquor in the front, Poker in the back.
  4. You guys can call me a hobbit all you want...at least I am a warm hobbit :) :) :D :) :) :) :twisted:
  5. Posting on the first day of winter...boy I have a tough ten days ahead of me
  6. Morning all. Lots of sex talk on the 9 pages of the part deux thread, and I love it. Not that there isn't usually a lot of sex talk bu tit is nice to start out the new thread the right way instead of...oh, I dint know...sports talk.John, I think you and I are in the same boat. My suggestion is go for it. What's the worst that can happen...she says no. Now I know you have probably heard that as much as I have but I recently started thinking about it. If I keep going at the same pace, seeing a girl and then automatically either finding something about her I dint like so I dint have to talk
  7. "Sex IS a sport. You play hard for an hour and pray you don't get hit in the eye." -Dr. Perry Cox (Scrubs)
  8. Rybo

    the movie game

    One of my favorite actors of all timeJohn C. McGinley
  9. I allin's poptart.*Edit - Nice to see you again, Ryan. I'm not doing the picture thing. I'm scorning tradition in this new thread.Do you think that is why it was slow...I thought norm was talking about queries and stuff?
  10. nice to see you too. I have been coming in rather sporadically lately, but now that the thread is fast again...I am here
  11. that's funny...cause this thread is REALLY gonna need it
  12. Rybo

    new forum game.

    To the poster above me... I am 'THE ONE'
  13. Rybo

    the movie game

    Arnold Swar..... I didn't want to try to spell it
  14. Rybo

    new forum game.

    To the poster above me...she is and I am under her :twisted:
  15. Rybo

    new forum game.

    well done by the poster above me
  16. Rybo

    the movie game

    Not really, occgus beat you to itMy Girl
  17. Rybo

    new forum game.

    The poster above me with the ugly ass av is right :-)
  18. Rybo

    the movie game

    Ok, but she wasn't in that Yes she was. She was the young girl. I'm absoloutly positive.Sorry man. The young girl was played by Ariana Richards who can also be seen in the sequel.
  19. Rybo

    the movie game

    Ok, but she wasn't in that
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