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Posts posted by Rybo

  1. WELCOME BACK RYAN!!!!!What's new? 2-1 that Sharon squeals when she sees Ryan's here.*On an unrelated side note - I can't believe I've posted Scissor Sister lyrics twice and gotten no love from Brett. I'm beginning to think he knows squat about music. :club:
    It is good to see that most if not all of you are still keeping this thing going strong...unfortunately I don't know how "back" I am. I have been pretty busy at work. I am also getting my Masters in Applied Math, and I have done the TV thing a couple more times. But I will probably poke my head in from time to time to let you all know I am still alive.
  2. Hey all. I don't have much time, but I just wanted to drop in and say Hi and that I am hoping all of you are in great health and are happy. Sorry I have been gone for so long but I don't think it is avoidable because the project I have been working on has "gone to production" so I will be working my ass off for a long time to come. Anyways I hope you all are doing great.For old times sake...even though she looked ridiculously skinny at the 2005 golden globes here is my girl7_23_011605_portman_350.jpg

  3. You know what..forget all of you. Alright? You throw out obscure movie quotes, that I have no clue what the hell they are and then you expect me to just know that it's a line.  First, I haven't seen nearly as many movies as anyone here cause frankly i don't watch a lot of different movies.Second if someone gave me a list of movies to see, maybe on the off chance I actually care enough to get off my ass and go pay to watch it, maybe i'd get some of the quotes.Until that time....I'll do whatever I want.
    You've seen this one...no doubt
  4. i banged a chick in stuart once.on an unrelated note, is it illegal to murder dogs for barking and waking you up?  because if it is, it shouldn't be.
    No it definitely should be legalDamn, fixed your post too quickly :club:
    go to hell :D
    WAAAAAAAY ahead of ya on that one :-)
  5. i banged a chick in stuart once.on an unrelated note, is it illegal to murder dogs for barking and waking you up? because if it is, it shouldn't be.
    No it definitely should be legalDamn, fixed your post too quickly :club:*Edit* Elisha +++EVelisha_cuthbert.jpg
  6. Henry's reading some of the old thread.Henry has noticed that the Army does not still talk in the 3rd person on Fridays.JS
    Renae misses 3rd person Fridays and thinks we should go back to that. Third person Fridays were instrumental in helping Renae learn everyone's name.
    Ryan likes this idea because Ryan see's that a lot of new people have started posting every once in a while
  7. This is her.And we'll try this:Femkehalf4.jpg
    You lucky old man
    Not yet but I have faith in him.
    Really? Hasn't it been years for him when it comes to "someone" different?
    because i didn't cheat on my wife, you doofus. I'm single now.
    I know this, which is why I said "someone different." What I meant was, you have been out of the game a while. What worked for you ex might not work for her. I was simply saying you're rusty old man :club:. Plus it was meant as a joke, sorry it wasn't funny
  8. leblanc.jpg
    Careful here. Joey is Renae's nickname for me
    Well then Rybo.. How You doin?
    Whoops...I don't think I am allowed to talk to you like that because of what is posted below. I have been bad, punish me please :twisted:
    Nikki's ListTommy (ChuckSty)Michael (Pogue)Scott (Goldie, though I would like to claim SAM too)Rob (Fake, who sent me a lovely Channukah card with great FCPHA sentiments)John (muhls)(Renae, please add John to my list on the Tribe lists thread. He is not there yet.)Scott (SAM):Get on my list!Nik(Renae, please add SAM, too)
    Okay, I think these are the updates lists. If your list isn't right, let me know. I haven't really been keeping track so this was from memory. And, I claimed all of Spice's guys cause it made me sad that they were ownerless. I had already claimed Dustin so it seemed only right to not split them up and take the other 2 also. I started to say I would be willing to work some trades but I'm not sure I would. :D I'm a greedy bitch.NikkiTommyMichaelRobScottSAMJohnRenae Dustin Vann Jeff Keith Ron Burgundy Tim Brian DougCindyWhiskeyDNABrettAllieNormIvan
    Well then I claim Sean Aston.. I mean Rybo! Damn greedy Bitches snatching them all up! I got a pretty good deal though :wink:Oh and by the way keeping board names next to real names was very helpful since I do not know everyon'e real name as of yet :club:
  9. It's all ball bearings these days. 110. 220. Whatever it takes.
    Mr. Mom with Michael Keaton
    No. Try again. The ball bearings are the key. The Underhills are going to be very disappointed that you don't know this.
    My dutch exchange student starts Monday. She'll be here in about an hour for a quick meet and tour.I am SO excited. How do I look?
    I was just going to ask about this when I told Dustin and DNA that their PWUWP (assuming females, of course).Renae, I :club: you. Just serious, lean over my keyboard, now.
    He was going to buy me one for Christmas, but I told him not to. I still can't justify having to pay $12.99 a month for radio.. especially since I listen to it a total of less than an hour a day..
    $13/month, 20 work days a month, that's $.65/hour of listenning enjoyment and relaxation. That's less than a Coke. Alan, I'd stick her.Boogie oogie weeeee jacks, or something like that.Jeff, she may prefer it unzipped, js.John, I tell you, I'm gonna start calling you Butter soon, cuz damn, son, you're on a roll this year.edit: and now he's starting sex conversations.Oh, hey Sharon. How you doin?
    Careful here. Joey is Renae's nickname for me
  10. I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
    Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
    HA HA HA...a few months...you think that's been long. HA HA HA :club:
    By a few I mean like 9...thats long enough to have a baby fo goodness sake
  11. Apparently my quote of Renae is lost in the recesses of cyberspace. Renae, I was responding to your "There is, but she lives in Oklahoma" comment. I believe I said this...Does she like Shiner Bock, Kevin Smith movies, and dry senses of humor?
    Ah, there it is. She does. I believe she might even know who the Scissor Sisters are. She might just be the perfect girl for you. :wink:
    Scissor Sisters, how could I have possibly missed that opportunity?!?Good one.Dumbass - 1Doodlebug - 0
    I'm winning! I'm winning! I'm winning!*side note to Lance - Doodlebug has a name for me. He calls me Dumbass. He also calls Idaho Stupidhead.
    another side note to lance, renae wont give me a fucking pet name because something about star alignment and raindrops or some psychotic babbling bullshit
    My boss gave me a weird look after I gut laughed at this :club:
  12. I need sex in a bad wayI was just having my regular mid morning Oatmeal Creme Pie and for whatever reason I licked up the creme between the two Oatmeal patties with my tongue and had sensual thoughts. Anyone know any good mental institutions?
    Yeah, but you had sex like within the past week at least right...try adding a few months to that. Everytime a girl passes my face looks like this :shock:
  13. T Minus 1 hour and 51 minutes and counting until officially on an 11 day break. woot woot
    Will you be checking in with us while on this little break, Joey? I want to know cause if not, I don't want to get all worried about you like I did Burgundy.
    Oh crap...I am playing catch up (from a long time ago) and I totaly missed this before break. I hope you weren't too worried renae :club:
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