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Everything posted by Figger

  1. Yee of little faith. We rode Dawn right into a 2nd place tie. I am very happy for Cochran though.
  2. Damn. Looks like there's already 10. If someone backs out, please let me know. I will be in.
  3. When should we expect the money to be transferred? I am assuming it's going back to our Paypal account?
  4. Doesn't seem as much interest this season. Below is a list of the contestants with those voted off being crossed out.
  5. It's been since the 10th and I got nothin.
  6. I e-mailed them the information, does anyone know how long it takes for the transfer to take place?
  7. Damn, I was going to do RPM, but decided on Carbon. Is this bad?
  8. So, do all Merge Network sites take US players? Where is everyone going?
  9. Is there a game tonight? Or is this thing done?
  10. So, 1st show tomorrow night. We need to get this nailed down and RNG'd.
  11. I hear Bob's money is better. He makes it himself.
  12. Can we create or own fun game at a private table?
  13. I am in, however, I just had to add $25 to my Paypal account. It will not be in for 3 to 5 business days. Hope that is OK?
  14. Is there a game tonight? I can't find it?
  15. I'm in for pool. When are they going to show the unrated version? Looks like we've got some bouncers out there.
  16. Thanks. Nice win.And due to all the Captain and Cokes, me neither.
  17. Not to be a nit, but there were 14 last week and 18 on the 25th.Just curious is there going to be an overall schedule of what game are played on which week?
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