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About redster

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  1. not that i have seen....only pot limit they ran that i know of was when the wsop came through and some pros wanted to play pl omahabut i may be wrong, nothing a phone call cant fix
  2. you have 2 options, harrahs and boomtown(westbank)boomtown is great if you like 3-6holdem or 4-8 half n half..and the occasional stud game nothing else...and if you do, that patience of yours is a virtue cause its no foldem holdem they have 7 tables and weekends are usually busy...harrahs has 25 or so tables and run 3-6limit, 4-8halfnhalf, 1-2nl, 2-5nl, at all hours of the day....other games include 10-20limit 15-30limit, 15-30 omaha, 5-10nl if they get enough players interested....i cant speak for all games as i only play 2-5nl when i go, but its easy enough most of the time..(im up as of n
  3. ...live your heaven now. This might be the only chance you get. i second this statementto everybody else, i think my head is gonna explode lol. so many opinions cant even reply to them all. i consider myself an atheist. whoever said that atheism isnt a belief in a faith, or that you can have faith i kinda disagree with that. i have faith, not sure whats its in but i do have faith, maybe that means im not athiest, i dont know. i dont believe in god, i dont believe jesus died for MY sins, and i dont much care either way, so what am i???to whoever said dinosaurs dont exist, shut up, not else i ca
  4. also happens when you scoop a pot in eights or better
  5. ill go out on a big limb here, napoleon dynomite
  6. great show, season looks good...kinda gonna miss glenn close though
  7. about 6 years ago when i was around 19/20 i was at my cousins house, which was actually his girlfriends house, and he was fulling around with stuff. he pulled out an old crayon box and it had 2 guns, he took one out, looks at it, never bothered to check the chamber, i think it was a revolver...so hes pionting this gun at me, my chest, i guess neither of us thought much of it either way, im like 3 foot from him. i probably could have died that day if hes a little careless.....to everyone thats says people snap, i have to agree, i always wanted a gun, i told myself as soon as i turned 21 id go
  8. my favorite song is my long time theme song, and the story of my life...bad reputation-freedy johnstonits not for everybody, but maybe youll likered
  9. After Saddam invaded Kuwait in the early 1990's, we asked Saudi Arabia if we could put air bases on their land so that we could defend Kuwait. They agreed. After the war, Usama Bin Laden (then a prince of Saudi Arabia, I believe) asked us to remove our air bases. We said no. The king of Saudi Arabia agreed to let us keep them there (likely because we were giving them our business by using their oil). Bin Laden was very angered at this and used the training he recieved by our millitary to start his own militia group to attempt to force us out of his country. He believes that the best way to get
  10. buddy dont get me started attacking every religion i dont need everyone hating me, just you.ive got my own set of problems there that im trying to umm iron out, if you really interested maybe ill start a new thread. but i aint taking all the flames for itas far as saudi arabia, maybe you right, but im sure we could do the chicken and egg arguement here. whos know how this all got started, i honestly wish it would end, but that means either we or them all have to die...and im glad to put a smile on your face :wink:
  11. lol im listening to rush limbaugh right now, i catch hanity, and ill even register to vote if bill oreilly ever runs for president, so dont ****ing call me ignorant.no we arent any safer, but we were already a target, we always will be, nothing and i mean nothing will ever change that.yes the war was a lie, but i really dont care,let them see how it feels to be attacked for no reason. now the target is on their back, and the fight is in there front yard, right were i prefer it to be.and dont play the ****ing pronoun game with me, i said radical muslim somewhere in there, I know WHO im talking
  12. who did we occupy on 9/11???and yes it is irrational, 80 virgins blahblah, read a little deeperand shhhhh about the hitler youth, nobody needs to know about that
  13. how about killing civilians? does that count? because the latest figures are somewhere around 100,000 iraqi civilians have been killed. is this acceptable to you? umm...yesto whoever said look at why they hate us, its not our fault they hate us, they are born to hate us. they make their entire lives about killing us, its got nothing to do with how i treat some radical muslim. but lets be fair, if they gonna hate me anyway, you see my answer above, i say kill them all that way next time 4 planes fly into a few building i wont be so shocked about it.. im all for giving them a reason to hate me,
  14. how you guys feel about a jackolope???lolpersonally i hate seeing scenery, like that took some kind of abstract thought or something, next would be sports trash, im ok with babies unless they ugly then they got to go
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