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Everything posted by Polakplayer16

  1. Fcp needs to have a genocide. Moderators should just start banning people with shitty answers. Start with Ron Mexico.
  2. gimmie a break as far as grammer and well articulated sentences. im at work.(not by choice, my mom made me go cuz people are sick.)
  3. Im interested in what Smash thinks of these so called mtt pros. I personaly dont dislike mtts. I have made money in them. But i do prefer NL cash games or even step tournies( I personaly like the structure of these.) What do you think of the 10-20 NL players? Also what do you think of Pocketfives fourm. Do you think their ranking system is legit?thanx OLI
  4. I need a shirt to go with my tat. FCP 4 LIFE baby!!!! :wpt:
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  6. Hey, thanks for the offer, I can give you my phone number Via privet message. I think that would be the easiest way.yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
  7. please were so frikin awesome, We dont want to sleep in the jeep.
  8. No it wasent, i have so much money on UB and some on stars and royal vegas. Wait......If u let me stay ill player to player transfer stars funds. I have like 2700 on there now.
  9. Me and buddies are taking a little road trip to vegas. for fun. Do any of you have a house that we can chill at for like a day if we need to? Were not crazy or anything like that, just board. We also wouldent like to sleep in my Jeep. Ill give free poker lessons as payment...or just a bit of money.
  10. Srry guys i decided to do something else. Ill be playing the 300 stars tourney tommorow morning though, so i gota be fresh. Srry again.
  11. screen name?jump into a room and ill be right behind
  12. Head up your choice of what game and the buy in more then 20, as much as 5000
  13. Hey Dirty whats your screen name?
  14. uhh, we should just both jump into a head up room you name it and ill follow, whats your screen name? mine is Drdoom01
  15. Ill play u head up for any amount north of 20 dollars
  16. Drdoom01= me, im that kid thats still pullin down 7000 a month with school/ or a job.Gank=Bret jungblut, Johnny Bax= Clif josephyBroksi=Gus Hansoni forget
  17. Theres so much game theory behind these. Its not only poker startigy, its tournement startigy that you have to worry about as well. I love nl tournies just the competiton. I like playing the 150 buy in, cuz your compeating with great players(BAX, Sheets, DRdoom01<- thats me) 6th last night.sorry i cant articulate this better im at work.
  18. I work at my mothers insurance office/privet MVD. I do everything. Everyones lazy and everyone sucks. One girl is on crystal Meth, the others are fat idiot slobs. I could be playing online making more money in one tournie then i make all week, im miserable. But my mom lets me play online now so i guesse its ok. and maybe it has helped my game cuz when i sit down to play now i care a bit more.
  19. Well thoese greek philosphercrapheads couldent hold a candle to smash.Heck ya
  20. You had an upswing, but your lack of bankroll managment is going to be the death of you when you hit a bad run.
  21. Is there an age limit, Its not realy gambling its freerolling!
  22. I was way stoned, when he said it I almost died of laughter. Seriously i forgot to breath.
  23. I think i had an orgasim just reading your post. I want you so bad
  24. I hope thats not actualy it, thats preaty inconsiderate. If i were daniel i would beat you with a rubber hose.
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